Using the Udemy logo for student site
Hi all, I am working on finishing a course in music production, and as part of my package, I would like to offer any student who takes my class the ability to submit one of their songs to play on NY Talk Radio (nytalkradio.com). I have created a form, and DB where students whos names mach my student list, can submit a…
Group discussions or ways to communicate.
I am getting close to launching my first course, which will be in the area of electronic music production. I am wondering - if students have questions, will there be anywhere they can ask them publicly (as long as they are registered students)? I was hoping to encourage discussions, questions - and even requests for me to…
My course not showing up in the search results
Hi, I have recently published a course. However, when I switch to my Student profile and try to find my own course it won't show up in the search. I have checked pages 1,2,3,4... but my course isn't showing up in the search for students. Has anyone else experienced this? Can someone please advise how can I log a ticket…
Announcement: Udemy Restructuring Update
Hello Instructors, We would like to provide you with an important update regarding recent changes within the company. As discussed during the Q2 earnings call, Udemy is taking decisive steps to realign its strategic focus and resources toward the areas of highest growth, while also driving operational efficiency. As part…
Organization and filters
Good morning! Lately I've been having some difficulty managing my courses, mostly because they're in multiple languages, especially when sending promotional emails. It would be really cool if there was a way to filter by language when sending promotional emails, that would help a lot. But what I'd really like to see is the…
Affidavit request, but course published
Hello everyone, I reveived an affidavit request for my last course, I have been an instructor on udemy for more than 3 years. They say there MAY have been some copyright issues, but I did the course all myself. sholuld I still worry since my course was then published? when asking what was wrong, they told me about "it is…
Hello Expers Created 2nd Course (Need Your Review)
Hello community members i need your feedback on my latest course of https://www.udemy.com/course/create-a-personal-portfolio-website-with-wordpress/
Can I use GIFs in my course? Will I be sued?
like this one can i use this? https://media.giphy.com/media/ccRdPf8zWkivm/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e475o5645ukrnl0rfw0u8ppj0rp3v3eh8zvnrj2wrdv&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g
In response to the Rendemy platform.
Hi Instructors, We wanted to follow up and share an update regarding the pirate site, Rendemy, and the steps Udemy is taking to address the situation and safeguard your content. Rendemy is in no way associated with Udemy and their use of our collective content is unauthorized and illegal. We know the deep value of the…
GenAI Opt-out window is now open
Hello Instructors! We want to officially announce that the opt-out period for our Generative AI Program (GenAI Program) begins today, August 21st, and goes through September 12th. The choice to participate in the GenAI program is yours. If you want to participate, no action is needed! If you decide this isn’t right for…
How to begin?
Hello! I'm new here,and i have a problem with starting my profile. I answered few questions,but i can't submit videos to send for review. Can someone help me please? Thank you in advance. Suzana
Here's a reworded version of your message: I recently became an instructor on Udemy and launched my first course, intended for a specific group of students from my affiliated institution. I've encountered some unexpected issues: I didn't realise students needed to sign up when given the course link. Is there a way around…
Upload successful but don't show the video
I created Videos as a teaching courses. But it inspect page, He says I have slow network But when I checked the page under my Internet connection, I have maximum 3GB to upload this video Which is under 43.500 43.5KB of the mp4 video.
**Announcement** UB Content Removal Email Sent in Error
Hello Instructors! Some of you may have received an email stating your courses have been removed from the UB Collection. Please rest assured your course is still included in the main Udemy Business collection. Our curation team is editing a private custom collection and our system sent out an automated notification in…
I want to publish a new course
Hello Everyone! Good day! Im new to Udemy. I need help in getting started to publish my own course
Can I redirect students to my channels and groups?
Hi everyone, I am just creating a course on Udemy and want to add some referral links for my students as they have to join the programs at any cost to do the practice so why not my referral links!! Also can I give WhatsApp and Telegram channels and group links so that they can get updates on my different courses as well as…
No voice-ove video issue
Udemy reviewd my course, saying there's no voice-over in my videos, but I double-checked, and all videos have audio. Has anyone dealt with this before, or know how to fix it?
Including a upload code with my course
Hello, I am currently creating a course on music production in Ableton, and had an idea I thought students may enjoy. I currently run an online radio station (nytalkradio.com). I would like to provide anyone who signs up for my course 1 free upload to the stream. Meaning, I would like to perhaps provide a unique code with…
How to complete "AFFIDAVIT_OF_RIGHTS_FORM_2023".
I am looking for help on how to complete the "Identify all courses and other content you have uploaded to the Udemy platform (URLs)" part, what do I put in this space?
Udemy for Business (UFB) serious issue
I have 3 courses in Udemy for business (UFB) program, since the 12th of August i noticed that the enrollment of Udemy for business students is abnormal as i didn't get any new enrollments at all in the 3 courses. I didn't receive any email from UFB side mentioning any issue or the removal of my courses from UFB. I've…
Udemy demographics
Hello everyone, I'm a new instructor and very excited to get started at Udemy. Nice to meet you all! I would like to know if there are any current statistics available regarding the nationality of the 24 million students that take classes at Udemy. Thanks! Shehla.
July Udemy Business revenue not updated
Hi, Anyone have an idea , why july monthly udemy Buisness revenue not updated?
Background music is a tricky thing
It took us some experimenting to realize the following about background music in the videos. Background music throughout an entire video is neither negative or positive for student experience by itself. It becomes negative or positive in a specific context. In our experience, having it throughout a video that does not…
Udemy Founder Eren Bali Returns as Chief Technology Officer
We’re excited to announce that Eren Bali, who co-founded Udemy in 2010 and served as the company’s Chief Executive Officer until 2014, has returned to Udemy as our new Chief Technology Officer. Eren will work closely with Udemy’s Chief Product Officer, Prasad Raje, to accelerate Udemy’s product strategy, leading the…
How to become a "Udemy Instructor Partner" ?
Hello community, I have a simple question: How do you become a "Udemy Instructor Partner"? Is it based on the number of sales? students? courses? I would be grateful if anyone can answer this question!
Can I create course without recording my face?
Im new just begginer can I just create udemy course by using just AI, capcut elevenlabs without my face
Are screenshots from videos blocked?
A user in one of our courses asks: > > Why its not allowing to take the screenshot of the course?> Why its not allowing to take the screenshot of the course, for my reference I took screenshot of architecture diagram but it is coming blank(black screen) This does appear to be true: you can't make a screenshot from a video,…
Do every instructor has to fill an affidavit of ownership?
Do every instructor has to fill an affidavit of ownership?
Hello Respected Instructors, I hope you're doing well. I'm new to Udemy and based in Pakistan. I'm
Hello Respected Instructors, I hope you're doing well. I'm new to Udemy and based in Pakistan. I'm having difficulty figuring out how to receive payments from Udemy. Could anyone kindly guide me through the process? Your help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you, Abdul Sadiq
How many days Udemy takes to review a new course