Hi all,

I hope you are doing well! This is my first communication to this community and I am very happy to inform you that I am in the process of writing my lectures. My concerns are:

Should I create them as a private course and then publish them, or should I publish them right away as a public course?

If I make the course private first, can I then choose to make it public, and can those who had access to my private course automatically access it as my course becomes public?

I would be grateful if you could help me find the right approach that will lead to better results.

Any prons and cons related thereto respectively.

Thanks a lot


  • LawrenceMMiller
    LawrenceMMiller Posts: 2,322 rolemodel rank

    What is the reason to make it private? If it is private it can't sell in the marketplace.

  • By making it private, I want my students whom i teach to have access before i am ready with complete course

  • FrankKane
    FrankKane Posts: 1,893 rolemodel rank

    Oh, you're thinking of publishing your course before it's done?

    Don't do that. Don't publish it until you have a course that can stand on its own. It's not a question of private vs. public status, just don't publish it at all until it is complete.

    If students pay money to enroll in your course and they only receive something that is unfinished, you'll just get bad reviews and refunds. It's not like Kickstarter here... students buying courses on Udemy generally expect immediate access to a finished product.

  • LawrenceMMiller
    LawrenceMMiller Posts: 2,322 rolemodel rank

    I assume you mean that you have students at a university and you want to give them access to your course before it is done. I think that is fine as long as it is truly private. But, I agree with Frank if you are going to try to sell it. Complete it before offering it for sale.

  • Many Thanks Frank. Deeply appreciated.

    I have noted your insights and will adhere to it. God bless you dear.


  • Many Thanks LM...appreciate your contention. God bless


  • thanks so much for asking that question. I am sure it helped others as it did me. Much success!!!

  • Hi Lawrence, I just to use that as my LMS as I teach a batch of students presently.