Is Udemy Legal

I know i am asking very silly question but i have it in my mind and it is not going from my mind so please help

is udemy legal means earning from udemy completely legal ???




  • FrankKane
    FrankKane Posts: 1,903 rolemodel rank

    Only a lawyer or accountant where you live can tell you for sure. Udemy itself is of course operating legally, but it's up to you to ensure you are operating in a legal manner in whatever country you live in. There are certainly illegal ways to be a Udemy instructor, such as not properly reporting your income from Udemy on your taxes, or funneling money from Udemy into countries where the United States has a trade embargo (such as Iran and North Korea)

    You should also consider any legal agreements you may have signed that affect your ability to produce courses on Udemy. Some employers makes you agree not to do any other work on the side, or anything they might consider competitive. That's also on you.

    If you create your course using materials stolen from someone else, that's illegal.

    And if you create a course on "how to do illegal things," well, Udemy isn't going to defend you when the authorities come knocking on your door.

    The answer depends on the laws where you live. Personally, I live in the United States, I don't teach anything associated with illegal activities, all of my content is original or properly licensed, I pay all of the various taxes required on my Udemy income, and nobody has thrown me in jail yet!

  • So udemy is legal in india ? I am not going to upload illegal courses.

  • Bella
    Bella Posts: 3,694 traveler rank

    Hi @TaranjotSin801, glad to hear you're interested in becoming a Udemy instructor!

    You are more than welcome to create courses while being in India. In fact, there are many instructors on Udemy based out of India now.

    As @FrankKane explained, there are very important factors to consider when deciding to host your course on Udemy. Ultimately, Udemy cannot advise on any copyright issue and takes no responsibility for the material that you place on our platform. When signing up to become an instructor, you agree that:

    you own or have the necessary licenses, rights, consents, permissions, and authority to authorize Udemy to use your Submitted Content as specified in these Terms and the Terms of Use;

    If you have any other concerns, feel free to contact and our Trust & Safety team will be happy to help!

    Additionally, here are four great resources that may be helpful to you:

    Bella Almeida

    Udemy Community