What do you wish you knew when you created your first course?

Happy August Instructors!
A new month means a new theme here in the Instructor Community and this month we are discussing all things related to course creation! Not only will we be having discussions and opportunities to share your course creation process, but we’ll also have a webinar and networking session to chat about how you create courses! (More info on the events will be available in the coming days!)
So let’s kick off this new theme with a question, What do you wish you knew when you created your first course?
Leave your answer in the comments below.
I wish I knew Udemy's power (best online course provider platform ) a few years back so that I quit my job and start full-time on Udemy platform. After completing my first course, I got a very good response from students and got huge support from the Udemy support team.
Now, I have published 6 courses and all of them going well.
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It took some time to get the first course approved and today is my day 1 with my first course on the platform. The experience of creating the course and putting out there is quite overwhelming. I look forward to learning from this community and also contributing as I progress.
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Congratulations @GauravWadekar
, and welcome to the published instructor club!You're absolutely right. Creating and publishing a course can be overwhelming. You are in a community full of people who understand this feeling and will be happy to share this journey with you.
By the way, we have an actual Published Instructor Club here in the community where you can talk about how to market your course, engage with students and connect with your fellow instructors, come check it out if you haven't yet.
Wishing you all the best!
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Hi, actually I had a good experience as trainer however this first time to create and conduct online course and I wish to receive some good tips and hints how to start.
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I submitted the first course two days back and waiting for the approval. Although I put a lot of efforts, really exited to know how the students are gonna take my teaching skills. There is a huge gap between the day I started writing the script and today when I completed the course. I spent about 6-8 month full time on the course.. Hope It'll go well.
I wish I knew:
Some of the skills I picked along the way..
Even if Udemy expects 720p quality, it's better to do it in 1080p considering the future.
How to do the proper audio settings when it comes to noise removal and audio enhancements.
Include a proper background music to the videos.
Include some pleasant visual effects with audio effects to keep student engaged.
Long pause between the words will make the student dislike the course.
and so on..
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I switched to 1080 P also for better quality. Also, make sure lighting is correct, and all sound coming from other sources shut off. Have had good success with Camtasia as far as editing goes, because you can edit the pauses out. Hope that helps.
Dr. Troy Walls
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I started an year ago.. initially the recordings were not at all of good quality as I had no proper knowledge. My investment in audio video equipment was 0.... used my mobile and had background noise etc. My biggest investment was utilization of own knowledge, skills and expertise. My hard earned knowledge and skills gained from 12+ yrs of experience. Always worked in corporates in classroom setting, so was very skeptical about sharing my skills online on this platform or any other platform for that matter!
But students surprised me... they not only took my course, appreciated them , but gave me suggestions to improve my audio video.. I got encouraged and invested a little on audio video solutions and here I am today with 3 courses and I work almost full time on udemy. Although I have not yet reached the earnings target that I have set, am almost there and am happy sharing my skills online today.