Do you have any mentors or people you look up to? Tell us about one of them

Hello instructors!

Whether you just launched your first course or you've already reached hundreds of thousands of students, you're all part of this community that is passionate about making a difference through education. But who has made a difference in your life?

Do you have any mentors or people you look up to?

Feel free to tag other instructors that you feel inspired by and make their day!


  • AnupShukla
    AnupShukla Posts: 465 mentor rank

    Hey @Bella
    ...I always get inspired by the instructor @Rahul Iyer
    . He hasn't changed my life as such, but he has given me a mindset and vision. He has proved that it is possible to make it big at Udemy. Within a short span of 4 years, he's achieved a lot at Udemy. Hats off to his dedication and hard work!

  • Bella
    Bella Posts: 3,694 traveler rank

    Hi @AnupShukla
    , agreed! Rahul is a truly inspiring instructor, just like you and all instructors who work hard to accomplish their goals every day - it pays off in the end!

    I'm so happy to hear how positively he influenced you. Thanks for taking the time to share!

  • I agree, @Rahul Iyer has been a great inspiration, an incredible help, and a generous mentor. I really admire his drive, talent, and thoughtfulness.

  • Rahul Iyer
    Rahul Iyer Posts: 400 visionary rank

    Thank you @AnupShukla
    ... Sorry to have replied late.. I was out of office for the past few weeks attending some personal events.. your words are highly motivating... I am happy to be a small part in your success on Udemy... you are awesome!

  • Rahul Iyer
    Rahul Iyer Posts: 400 visionary rank

    Thank you, @LizBrownUX
    , sincerely appreciate your kind words. I love your progress and drive to excellence. You are brilliant!