withholding tax rate for Indian Udemy Instructors

How much is the withholding tax rate for Indian Udemy Instructors? Is there any posibility, we can opt for 0% withholding tax for purchases made in US.

Could anybody help me here.


  • I think it is not possible it depends on the treaty b/w India and USA

  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,642 Udemy rank

    Hi @MaheshaK497
    The withholding tax rate will depend on the form you submit. Due to the sensitive and personal nature of tax forms, we can't tell you how to complete the form or exactly what to enter. But we can share some general information about this.

    Our tax form tool provides instructors with the ability to select from a variety of different tax forms, including:

      • W-9 (used by U.S. individuals and entities to certify their Tax ID number)
      • W-8BEN (used by non-U.S. individuals to certify that they are a beneficial owner or a financial account-holder, and claim treaty benefits)
      • W-8BEN-E (used by non-U.S. entities to certify they’re a beneficial owner or a financial account-holder, and claim treaty benefits)

    We also support the ability to submit certain less-common types of forms through our Support Help Center:

    • W-8ECI (used by non-U.S. individuals or entities to certify they’re a beneficial owner receiving U.S.-sourced income that is effectively connected with US trade or business)
    • W-8EXP (used by non-U.S. governments or other tax-exempt entities to certify they’re a beneficial owner or a financial account-holder)
    • W-8IMY (used by non-U.S. entities to certify they’re an intermediary or flow-through entity receiving payments on behalf of another person)

    Choosing the right form will depend on where you live, whether you’re an individual or entity, and other specifics. Since Udemy is unable to provide tax advice, we recommend that you consult with a tax advisor to ensure you’re using the right form and entering information correctly.

    Eliana Cerna

    Udemy Community

  • For India, it is 15%. Make sure to set the right percentage as in India, while filing Income Tax, you can add details related to this and get benefit under the Double Taxation treaty.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for clarifying.

  • Hi Eliana,

    Thanks for your response, I posted here to get help from Indian Udemy Instructers .

  • Hi Zealvora,

    Thanks for your reponse, Yes currently its 15 % for me. I was checking if any posibility to reduce it to 0%.

    Could you please let me know how can we avail benefits under the double taxation treaty?

    Thanks in advance!!

  • DanielL
    DanielL Posts: 6 researcher rank

    Hi Eliana,

    Thank you for your response. May I kindly check. What will Udemy do with the withholding tax? Will it pay the US IRS the tax that is withheld from instructors, especially foreign non-US instructors?

    Please advise. Thank you.



  • zealvora
    zealvora Posts: 34 trailblazer rank

    As of now, 15% is the only option however since there is a double taxation treaty, you can reduce your tax since a certain amount of tax was already deducted in the US.

    To avail benefits under the Double taxation treaty, you need to collect the 1042-S form that Udemy sends to instructors and give it to a CA. Not all CA's are familiar with this, so you might have to look for a consultant.

  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,642 Udemy rank

    Hi @DanielL
    For both U.S. and non U.S. instructors, the relevant taxes withheld from sales to US students are paid to the IRS on a monthly basis.

  • Hey, @zealvora
    I am a new instructor from India and have started making courses for udemy but the thing is I am being charged 30% taxes on the payout. Can you please help me out with this?

  • Bella
    Bella Posts: 3,694 traveler rank

    Hi @harshkumarkhatri
    , have you reached out to our team at instructorsupport@udemy.com yet? They will be able to clarify this for you. You can also find some helpful information about withholding tax here.

    Bella Almeida

    Udemy Community

  • Very Good Morning

    Dear ElianaC

    can you help me to find answers to the following questions

    1. As per agreement Udemy holds 15% as tax, but in the revenue report, it's almost 2-3% only which is been deducted.

    2. How much Payoneer deducts as their exchange conversion charges from US$ to Indian Rupee + the fees.

    3. How I can download or demand tax challan for a financial year to claim the same amount in my country.

    With best and kind Regards

    RK Arora | CWM | MBA

  • Very Good Morning

    From where I can download the certificate stating that 15% is deducted from my income generated with Udemy

    Q. 2 Is this income falls under royalty or professional fees.

    With best and kind regards

    RK Arora | CWM | MBA

  • Hi,
    Could you find the answers? I am also in the same situation.

  • Hi Harsh,
    I also have the same question. Have you handled it now?

  • Yes, It is 15% after you submit the forms and things are verified else you need to pay anywhere between 20-30% as taxes.



  • True, you can claim DTAA, file form 67, claim sec 90 rebate and get foreign tax credit in Indian itr filing. If anyone need assistance in itr filing for Udemy income can contact me. Please note do not fill itr without above claim procedure else you can not get FTC benifit.


    Ca Abhishek Jain


  • 1. From dashboard

    2. Business income in itr & export of service in gst


    Ca Abhishek Jain


  • In india you can claim DTAA, file form 67, claim sec 90 rebate and get foreign tax credit while filling ITR. If anyone need assistance in itr filing for Udemy income can contact me.

    Please note do not fill itr without above claim procedure else you can not get FTC benifit.


    Ca Abhishek Jain


  • Hi Mahesh

    I have recently started my udemy course upload as instructor. I am an Indian instructor currently residing in UK(temporarily on deputation from India).

    Since Udemy is US based company what forms do I need to submit for taxes or to recieve payments. I see PAN number is not accepted so what details need to be submitted in general for this