First course publish date !

Is there a way to find out:

1. when an instructor published her(his) first course on Udemy ?


2. the publish date for each course ?

can you help with it?


  • I was just browsing through the documentation of the 'instructor API', and seems I can find it from there.

  • Hi @AnupShukla

    Great question. To identify my first course published on Udemy, I go to the Instructor Dashboard and then go to courses. The first course is generally on the last page and the last course on your list. Unfortunately, there is no way that we can find the course launch dates (as far as I know). I used the Udemy Support Chat team and the lady on chat was very helpful to give me the launch dates for all my courses. This was about 2 years ago. After that, I have tracked all the launch dates on a separate excel file.

  • Bella
    Bella Posts: 3,694 traveler rank

    Hi @AnupShukla
    , thanks for your question!

    Rahul is correct here, at the moment, there isn't a way to see your courses' exact publish dates as the platform only shows when courses were last updated, but you are welcome to contact Instructor Support and the team will be able to inform you.

    Bella Almeida

    Udemy Community

  • RonErez
    RonErez Posts: 234 specialist rank

    I just look at the date of the very first student enrollment as a rough approximation of the course publication date.
