Seeking a mentor/coach for SEO/marketing

Hi there,

I'm seeking a paid SEO/marketing coach/mentor who can review my course content and marketing material and give me feedback to improve my chances of success in the marketplace.

The mentor should have a proven track record in creating successful courses.

- Minimum 25,000 unique students

- a 15% minimum review to student ratio

- Generating consistent monthly revenue over $3k/month

- Comfortably knows how to get high search rankings for their courses

- Bonus: Can give feedback on my course delivery (speaking, editing, etc...)

Please reccommend yourself if you fit these criteria, or another mentor who you would reccommend personally.

Would love to hear a bit about the reccommendation. I'll reach out to you following your post.

Thanks :)


  • ScottDuffy
    ScottDuffy Posts: 901 rolemodel rank

    You don't have any live courses yet? Or you have them under another profile?

    I'd be careful on relying on "student counts" as anyone can give away 10,000s+ of free coupons and it doesn't mean anything in terms of knowing what it takes to succeed. Rely on review counts if you want to go this route.

    Add a 15% minimum review to student ratio. That's a higher, tougher bar. (e.g. So if the person has 100,000 students, you want to see 15,000 reviews minimum...)

  • Thor
    Thor Posts: 2,331 rolemodel rank

    Agree with @ScottDuffy
    student numbers are meaningless if instructors have free courses (or given free coupons away). His ratio is pretty accurate, at least 15%, I have seen instructors here with 100,000 students and less than 500 reviews.

  • Thanks so much Scott this is really helpful :)

  • In response to your question, I have my course content (videos, text, etc) all done but I want for the content to be reviewed in case there are some tweaks to be made before launching.