Instructor Spotlight: Meet Nina Weinstein

Hello Instructor Community!
This month's theme in the community is Instructor Stories, which calls for another Instructor Spotlight! This time, we're introducing you to Nina Weinstein.
Nina lives in the United States and teaches English to non-native speakers on Udemy since 2014. Learn more about Nina's instructor journey below!
What do you love the most about teaching online?
The surprises and the appreciation that international students express toward their teacher. Sometimes, I connect with my online students just to see how they're doing; just as I would do with my students offline. For example, at the beginning of the quarantine for COVID, I sent an email to my Udemy students to see how they were doing and to encourage them during this difficult time.
What is the most important thing you've learned about creating online courses?
I've been impressed by how Udemy is always trying to improve an already impressive product. I've enrolled in classes as well as taught them, and the classes have been excellent.
Were there any challenges along the way?
The biggest challenge for me was trying to get the third class in my listening program included in Udemy for Business. It was finally included about a month ago, but because Udemy is so huge, it's difficult to be seen; even if you have a product based on techniques you know work because they work so well in the outside world.
What accomplishments on Udemy are you really proud of?
I'm proud of the continuing success of my classes over all of these years. I'm also proud of the classes themselves. My background is English; not technology or videography. It was a learning curve for me to create classes that look professional and reflect the kind of teaching I do in the outside world, but I love Camtasia and really enjoyed the learning curve.
What advice would you give to a brand-new instructor?
It starts with the quality of the class. Though it's hard to be seen in such a crowded platform, when you are seen, it's important that your classes reflect the highest standards. Everything starts with the class itself.
What’s something you’re planning on doing in the next year?
I have another idea for a class based on my "zoom" techniques -- the best shortcuts to powerful English I've learned in my years of teaching.
Is there a particular success story or learning experience that you would like to share with us?
To market myself I've had to step away from any shyness or humility and almost look at myself as if I were someone else. If I were someone else looking at my classes, how would I describe their benefits, strengths, and uniqueness?
Do you have any questions for Nina? Feel free to ask her in the comments!
Learn how to participate in the Instructor Spotlight series and get featured in the community.
Thank you for highlighting my story. It's been a great experience having my classes on Udemy.
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Congratulations Nina and good job
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Thank you.
Teaching is a very rewarding job, and I feel fortunate I've been able to do it for so many years. Of course, money is important, but it's so much more; especially when you teach internationally. I had a special experience on Udemy when I looked at the daily new students and saw that one was from Ukraine. The war had just started, and I was surprised that learning English was top of mind at this time, so I contacted him and offered to teach him English personally for free for as long as the war lasted. It wasn't political for me at all, but I imagined the human toll of having a war in your country and felt bad he had to go through that. He asked if I could also teach his friend, and though his friend offered to pay, I said I won't take money as long as they're at war. Because Udemy attracts people from all over the world, this was a great opportunity for me to show that there are people who want to help, however small that help may be.
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Super cool! Thanks for sharing your story
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You are a hero. Keep shining, thank you for showing humanity above all.
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Great story Nina, thanks for sharing! I also use Camtasia in my courses and it's awesome
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I want to study English with you, please.
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Can you give me your contact information?