Can co-instructor promote the course I am owner and we both create ?

Dear All,
I am reading many valuable information's in forum and on udemy regarding course creation. I have one important question.
Can co-instructor promote my course by using his students base and udemy promotional mailing? I want to be clear that we both are making the course which is not released yet, of course I am the course owner, but we both participate in making it.
I read this article which I think says that it is possible but I want to be sure that I understand everything correctly
Co-Instructor Relationships: Rules and Guidelines – Udemy
Thank You All for Your advices and help
Best Regards
Hi @Moda We would expect that two people who created a course together would want to promote that course to their personal audiences.Please reach out to so the team can provide you more information.
Eliana Cerna
Udemy Community Moderator