3 Advice for me as i start teaching 1st time online

Please Give me your valuable advice


  • AHardin
    AHardin Posts: 587 visionary rank

    I recommend reading my post, where I give lots of tips and advice for newer instructors on Udemy:

  • 1.Start focus on creating a high engagement video. Always work hard on every clip what ever you creating and Add value to every clip.Keep focus on watch time.High engagement leads to get high watch rime.Watch time indicates that your video is interesting.

    2.Don't look for money.Always look for solving a student problems to enhance their skills.

    3.Use proper video editing and microphone to get a better audio.Better audio will give you a wonderful result.

    4.Select the niche where you strong at ,such that you will get better course output.

    5.Enjoy every moment while creating a course and check whether video is having any issues before uploading.Any errors found and again edit and finally check that video and post it.In my perspective one wrong message leads to impact so many student lives.So always look for best and right information.

  • Hi Narayana, @SkillGems
    Well-formulated advice is what you just posted here.
    I did watch a review of some of your courses, I really enjoyed the thorough and detailed coverage of the theory used in your courses, I am confident that your learners will indeed learn a lot from your teaching.
    Just do not forget to give us, your video watchers or courses learners, a smile or two, a sincere personal story or two from your personal experience or life, to make your learners relate and connect to you.
    Forgive me for pointing out that nowadays we are blessed with soft grammar/spell/syntax checkers to correct our writing, let us remind ourselves to write from the heart, and let the grammar checker suggest corrections to the sentences we write, so our readers can absorb the meanings of our writing.
    I speak and write fluently in four languages: Arabic, French, Czech, and English: this led me to use grammar checkers, to keep me updated on my language fluency.
    Best regards,

  • Thank you very much for your tips brother

  • Thank you so much Sir for your kind words and advice

  • Thanks