how to know if a course is successfull?

Hey guys,
First time here. Im interested in teaching a very specific topic and there´s only one "close enough" course. I think that knowing how many students that course has would be a good proxy of the demand I might see for my course.
So here´s my question: Each course informs on its presentation page how many reviews it has and how many students it has (this one has about 10.000). Did all those students paid for the course? Is it fair to assume that that course incomed about $70.000 (10.000 x 50% of $14)?
thanks in advance!
You can't use enrollments to judge a course's success or money earned. I use the rule-of-thumb to multiply the number of reviews by 10 (normal percentage of reviews per student) and then again by the amount you expect to earn per student (depends on the source of student). That will give you a fair estimate of how much money a course actually produces. All numbers are gross estimates. Percent of reviews per student can vary widely.
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Not exactly some of them are referral , some of them came with free promotions however if you are talking about without promocode yes u can take them as exact number
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thanks a lot! very helpful answer
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thanks for your answer, very useful.
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There is high variability as there are students from free coupons that contribute $0 to instructor income, instructor coupon that contribute on average $8-9 per student, Udemy promotion that brings in around $1-$5 per student, then there is Udemy for Business and Personal Subscription that brings $0.02 per minute consumed.
If the number of students is too high as compared to reviews, for example students is 10x reviews then there are a lot of free coupons but apart from that there is no way of determining.
The only sure way is to go to Marketplace Insights, where you can get idea of income of bestseller course, a general range.
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thanks for taking the time to asnwer!
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Forget the number of students. It means little. A reliable way to figure income is to take the number of reviews and multiply by $11. That will come very close. I'll be more precise. I have 85,872 reviews as of this moment. And I have earned a total of $931.020.26 as of this moment. Divide reviews into earnings at it will give you exactly $10.84.
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Valoro mucho sus orientaciones. Gracias amigos.
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Aconselhor que leia as políticas de preços da Udemy. Não é assim que funciona. Tem princípios bazares na plataforma, que desfazem por completo esta métrica. A Udemy oferta cupons de desconto que podem zerar seu valor de curso, a Udemy pode não expor seus cursos na vitrine, eles podem ofertar cupons de desconto de até 100%, o que zera seu valor a receber. Portanto, @Lucas190
Lucas190, infelizmente não é assim que funciona. Também entrei bastante empolgado e como sou um velho que atua na docência há várias décadas, pensei que ia ficar rico. Com o tempo, você vai ver como funciona. Boa sorte.0