Quick Question: adding lectures to an already published course in 2023


It's been a while since I published my last course. I'm ready to publish again. My question is, if I add lectures to an already published course will the course have to go through the review process again?

If so, can students still enroll in my course will it's being reviewed again?

Thanks in advance


  • I am waiting for an answer to the same question.

  • Btkrausen
    Btkrausen Posts: 193 specialist rank

    No, you don't have to submit the course again. I've added a lot of content to existing courses and have never had to resubmit for approval.

  • Monica2021
    Monica2021 Posts: 211 specialist rank

    My reply is the same as Btkrausen's reply. It will just state and show that the course was updated.

  • Thank you, appreciate your replies.