Feedback Thread: Give & Get Feedback on your course here!

Whether this is your first or fifth course, it’s always helpful to hear from other instructors how you can improve your course content to be even better.
Before you share your course content, check out our self-promotion policy and read these quick guidelines:
- Be specific. Share what you’re looking to improve or things you’re concerned about so your fellow instructors can provide targeted feedback.
- Upload content directly. Whenever you can, directly upload a video or course outline to our platform so it’s easier for other instructors to check it out.
- Don’t share course links or instructor coupons. This is a space to share and receive feedback, not sell to other instructors. If you want to reference a course, share the full name of your course without linking it. Instructors can find the course by clicking on your community profile and going to your instructor account on Udemy.
- Pay it forward. If you’re asking for feedback, look over someone else’s course and give them some feedback too! Always try to give more than you ask for.
We hope this feedback thread can help you create even better courses!
Udemy has been excellent to work with thus far. They are very organized and I really enjoy their promptness in returning messages and keeping you informed. Thanks a lot!
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I totally agree! I´m teaching, but I´m always learning here thanks to you.
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I am translating one of my courses from Spanish to English. I would like to know if my level of English is acceptable to teach on Udemy. I am worried that the students will give me negative reviews because of my pronunciation and accent, and my average score as a teacher will drop significantly.
What do you think?
Here's the video: you all very much!
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Just had a quick listen (the first 90 seconds) and your pronunciation is just fine. I help non-native English speakers (mainly Spanish speaking Colombians) improve their English and didn't hear anything wrong. Good job!
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Hola @Evolvo-Cristina
!I checked out a bit of your video and I think that the level of English is clear. Personally, I love the accent, which I think gives your video a quaint vibe. But, vibes aside, I truly believe in international English, international Portuguese... international languages... so that more people have access to more learning opportunities!
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Hi fellow instructors,
My request for help is less specific. In my case, I wonder why my courses are not selling. I believe I have a good product, and in real life I have used all the strategies I share in the courses, so I do not understand why they are not selling here. I would love to hear your thoughts and advice.
Thanks a million!
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Hi Raquel,
One general comment is that the course is new. If you have few people finding your course, continue to market as well as you can. If few visitors sign up, then look toward course content or presentation. Make sure to look up the usual conversion rate of similar courses under Tools.
I reviewed your preview videos and may have a few helpful comments. First, the good stuff. Production values are topnotch, well done. You are an engaging speaker. The topic is important. I enjoyed what I watched.
Here what I hope are helpful comments.
- You have not established your authority, why should anyone take this course from you?
- Graphics were hard to see or were on the screen for too short a time
- You present complex concepts with words with vague meaning and move too quickly through the ideas with unclear outcomes from students’ activities.
- You didn’t tell me concretely how students will be different after the course. The landing page “what you will learn” is vague and might be better if you declare how students will be different or what they will be able to do.
However, I know this life/meaning material inside and out, so it was difficult to put myself in the mind of your normal student.
Overall, you do good work and success may be only a matter of time (especially with strong marketing efforts outside Udemy).
Good luck.
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Dear Bob
Thank you so much for taking the time to look at some of the material I created and for sharing your thoughts. Every single point you make makes sense to me. I will certainly do a review. Well done on having created so many courses. Let me know if there is ever any help I can provide!
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You're welcome. One other thought. We both face the same challenge. Life is an individual experience, as you say. Somehow, we must define the student's outcome even though we cannot know what it is! All part of the fun. Maybe the meaning of life really is 42.
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Ah that magic number 42... it's a complex galaxy! Indeed, individual needs, and like you teach in one of your courses: we need to live our own needs, to avoid getting "jerked" around by everyone else's needs!
Best wishes, off to dreamland here in Lisbon!
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I like your voice and find you easy to follow but I do courses on Domestika so am comfortable with the Spanish accent. I'd still include subs but you've got a lovely voice and clear pronunciation.
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Hello Raquel - you have one English titled course so that's the one I'll comment on.
When preparing online training content I tend to start from the end and work backwards - I get a clear picture of the course outcome first for the student, and this achieves 2 things:
1: Udemy is an incredibly competitive space so you need to tell your prospective students clearly what their takeaway from the course is going to be. Their buying decisions are based on ratings, reviews and how effectively a course and course title match what they're looking for and they make their initial searches in the most general way - using search and filters. You need to have a title and description that is specific that will match itself for what they're looking for.
I feel "Exploring the multiple meanings of life" misses the mark in this respect. Exploring says there probably won't be a tangible result and the word multiple suggests you're going to be wandering from one topic to another. Statistically, most students don't complete an online course. So you need to tell them what they will get - tangible or otherwise - as quickly and as succinctly as possible or their interest will go elsewhere.
2: Having a clear course objective also tells you exactly what content you need to provide in order to tick the boxes you've given a student. If a student wants to learn how to cook Paella then in the development stage you should have worked out every step the student would need to take to cook Paella and by the end of the course the student should be able to succeed. When you can do this you know your course is bulletproof in regard to content delivery and the confidence a student gains fro completing your course will translate into ratings, giving you a leg up when it comes to search filters in point 1.
That being said, you have a lovely speaking voice, are interesting to watch and speak both with confidence and a sense of authority in your topic. The quality of your work is wonderful and I have no doubt you'll engage a student into completion so I'm pretty sure you're falling over in explaining course objectives and outcomes. And that's the part whether the student is deciding whether they will invest their time and money in you or not so it matters.
I'm an astrology instructor so I'm confident esoteric or philosophical topics can succeed and one of my most successful course topics is esoteric astrology - life purpose and soul direction. So there's a market for the deep topics and big subjects.
Just my thoughts.5 -
Dear @DamianMcKinnon
,What powerful feedback! Thanks so much. I have already made some notes based on your kind and helpful feedback. It's super to meet someone who is creating courses that are less about tech and more about humans and lifelong learners.
Let me know if you ever want some feedback too!
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You're welcome Raquel! Don't be shy reaching out if I can ever help in any way.
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If it's not too much trouble, I wonder if people would mind giving me feedback on my promo video to my course titled "SwiftUI 4 and Swift 5.7: iOS App Development for iOS 16". It's about 3 and half minutes long and I'd specifically like feedback on audio quality, as well as how well I explain the course topic and content, and last how well the visuals align with the message.
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I am a first time creator and I am trying to build a course on Project Management, I am attaching here a sample video.
Pl. give me a candid feed back on audio quality, video quality and and the teaching.
-Ulhas Samant1 -
That link points to everyone's default test video - we the one we submitted to Udemy not your specific video. perhaps upload it to YouTube or Vimeo?
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Good that you pointed out. I have uploaded the video. Pl. check. Thanks and Regards
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Good day.
I would appreciate some feedback on my first video.
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I have two thoughts if this is the first video students will see.
1. Fantastic--engaging visuals, good music and good voice quality. I am envious.
2. Few, if any students want to learn much about your background. They want to know what you can do for them. My thought is to describe yourself in 2-3 sentences and then explain what students will be able to do after your course. How will they be different? What advantages will they gain? I believe the first video is a sales and engagement tool. Less on facts and information and more on emotional engagement. Good luck.
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The video looks nice.
Maybe it would be possible to provide captions because there is a slight accent.
The video does look very professional.
To be honest I think introductory videos should be short as possible, under a minute, but I might be wrong.
Maybe it's worthwhile to look at Udemy's videos on course creation. Perhaps they have guidance for the intro video creation.Good luck !
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You owns a inspiring, clear voice, it is easy to understand
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hi id love feedback on my promo video. i will add myself into some parts of the course letting people know that i am using chat gpt to help guide me on content creation and as a way to improve the learning experience for my students.
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Hi Bella.
Hi all instructors on there.
About video this is my disadvatage trouble. I never show my face on any community pages from childhood. Im afraid of be shown my face or picture while videos processing
No understand myself.
Thanks all for reading.
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thanks for sharing. could you think of easier ways to teach? the cure for fear is taking action. what actions could you take to overcome obstacles?
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Hi Eric @erickottke
I have watched your demo video, and this my personal feedback:
1. The first thing I expected to see is you introducing yourself, WITH YOUR FACE going along with your nice voice.
2. Next I wanted to know about your knowledge of the subject.
3. I also was looking for your ability to communicate the subject to me and motivate me well telling me what will I learn, what will I accomplish.
4. I personally value quality over quantity of the content to be covered, so Eric: "Where is beef?"
5. my humble recommendation for your is to make sure that the content you are covering is clear and easy to follow, with you along side: "where is the lovely face that goes by the name Eric Kottke.
Best regards,0 -
i plan on adding myself along the course in various areas. thanks for your feedback
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Appreciate your feedback and reviews
Thanks in advance
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Hello everyone,
I launched my first course yesterday - Mastering dbt, and would appreciate any feedback on the landing page / demo video / instructor video / my profile. I want to make sure that I make the most of my course having the "new" tag and that I'm not missing anything obvious that would put students off.
Thanks in advance for any help!
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I'd be happy to check it out.
Is there a link to the course ?
Good luck !