Lesson Learned

As a psychologist, I was taught about learning theories. One concept is the variable ratio reinforcement schedule. That is, being rewarded is uncertain, but delightful when it happens, like with slot machines in Las Vegas.

I have also been concerned by what I see as minimal transparency in many of Udemy’s processes. Most in place, I believe, so people cannot game the system. And, I have often heard that Udemy is a long-term effort.

This all came together this morning when I learned one of my courses had been chosen to be included in Udemy for Business.

I’m delighted. My faith in Udemy has been restored. I trust the system. All is well. It truly is a long-term effort for most of us.


  • MarinaT
    MarinaT Posts: 2,244 Udemy rank

    Hi @RobertBrown028

    Wow! Congratulations on having your course selected to be included in Udemy for Business!

    It's always great to hear success stories from instructors .

    I wish you continued success with your courses!