How can I market my course?



  • Veasna, M.
    Veasna, M. Posts: 187 storyteller rank

    Can you give me an advice ?

    Should I use English or my native language in social media and blog post?

    Most of my students on Udemy are English speaking. But most of followers in my social media are my native language speaking.

    In term of course marketing, I don't know what language should I use.

    Best regards,

  • armalik
    armalik Posts: 9 researcher rank

    @Veasna, M.
    it is better to use both languages separately to promote but focus on English only. well, what is your native language?

  • Veasna, M.
    Veasna, M. Posts: 187 storyteller rank

    Do I need to create separate FB/YouTube?

  • Hi

    I read your post. It is very helpful. Could you provide me some pointers on how to market the course so we get fee paying students. Since this was my first course I created 1 free coupon but am hesitant to do any more. Work and time are of value and I would not like to take anything for free in this world.

    Thanks in advance


  • I didn't realize we could promote courses in the Instructor Club. New policy?

  • @SarmishthaP901
    The original post in this thread is an answer to your question. In the forum search "marketing" and you will find helpful posts from other experienced instructors as well.

    The short answer is that there are no easy answers.

  • thanks

  • Thanks Larry, It's a well organized and to the point list of things for every instructor.

  • bdaaave
    bdaaave Posts: 3 researcher rank

    super helpful even in 2023

  • AkınDemir
    AkınDemir Posts: 36 traveler rank

    Great info

  • Thank you so much. This will be helpful to me.

  • Thank you. That's great advice.

  • This is excellent. Thank you for taking the time to share.

  • rvelu
    rvelu Posts: 1 observer rank

    Thanks Larry. It is very useful for someone like me who launched the first course and learning the ropes to market it.

    AITCD Posts: 117 trailblazer rank

    Thank you @LawrenceMMiller
    for such a great post!

    AITCD Posts: 117 trailblazer rank

    I agree with you.

  • Thank you for this sharing.

  • SSAA
    SSAA Posts: 208 specialist rank

    Good points. Points 6-8 in particular is something we have never really looked into and maybe should explore more extensively. For sure there's a lot of potential in that. If they do not come to your blog, then take your blog to them on LinkedIn.


  • Truly an awesome post, I learned so much. I wish I had seen this before.

  • This is some great advice!

  • Thank you for enlightening me ... quite inspiring to learn new workable strategies from you.

  • Wow!

    What a gold mine!

    Thank you for your reply and time !

  • Dzuya
    Dzuya Posts: 32 researcher rank


    Thank you very much for that piece of advice.

  • Thank you, @LawrenceMMiller
    for sharing your advice and for summarizing the collective wisdom of the experienced Udemy instructors, and for caring enough to take your time to do this. It's been useful and got some insights.

    The very bottom point triggered some thinking when you say "Udemy is not a "passive income".

    What is it for you?

    I have seen various responses on this topic in the community. And by the way, I am really "green" on Udemy :). Just published my very first course. Feel good about this important milestone.

    So, would appreciate knowing your view.



    I guess the question is, how do you define passive income.

    If you put money in a Treasury bond you receive passive income from the interest on that bond. You don't have to do any work.

    When you post a course on Udemy, you can just leave it alone and forget it. However, that is not a way to succeed. It is likely to just sit there with tens of thousands of other courses. Most successful instructors have a portfolio of related courses. They build a brand around their area of expertise. That requires a lot of work. Then courses need to be updated periodically. Then you need to do your own marketing, writing posts on LinkedIn, etc. In other words, you have to keep working at it. That is not passive.

    I hope that makes sense.

  • Thank you for such a great feedback Lawrence.

  • Hi, @LawrenceMMiller
    ! Apologies for a delayed reply. Have been busy celebrating my birthday with a family:)!

    I am absolutely % with you!

    I also view Udemy as one of our visible and creative aids and tools in our personal branding tool-kit.

    Best, Dillyara

  • Hello Dillyara,

    Where is the personal branding tool-kit?

    Can you advise?

  • Hi @AkınDemir

    When I referred to a personal branding tool-kit, i basically meant the same thing what Lawrence shared in reply to my message.

    Let me, perhaps, add a bit more clarity what I meant.

    Our overall personal branding tool-kit may include all our social and business media platforms and resources, which would help us develop, boost and sustain our personal brand in public. So that whenever people hear your name, they can already associate it with something.

    Some of us may have a broader tool-kit, some less. But overall, it may include your: LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram activities and engagements with public, books publishing, podcasts, your online or off-line seminars, workshops, corporate trainings, speeches at forums, TEDx, other UDEMY courses...etc.

    Hope, this helped clarify what was meant under the personal branding tool-kit.


    Dillyara Dosmakova

  • Thank you for your reply Dillyara.

    It is a very good clarification.

    Best wishes