Camtasia, PowerPoint & Video at the same time

Hi all,

I am using Camtasia and I am wondering if there is a way to have PowerPoint slides make up, say, 3/4 of the screen and have a video of me speaking as 1/4 of the screen. I think this is possible if you use the webcam on your computer but I want to use a video camera instead of my webcam since I want the video to be high quality. Is this possible? And, if so, how do I do it? Thanks!



  • Munro
    Munro Posts: 12 traveler rank

    This is what I'm doing in my current course. I have my dslr camera sharply focussed on the instructor (me) as I teach and at the same time run my PowerPoint slides and capturing this using screen capture. My camera is set on "manual" as I do not need to move around as I record. In post-production, I ensure that the two videos are in synch when I match the two audios. Then I get rid of one of the audios. In order to ensure that the slides occupy 3/4 of the screen, you can leave a 1/4 of your slides "blank". This is where you'll insert the video from the dslr. This way you do not need to resize screen capture. You can reduce the size of video from the dslr to fit this space by croping or dragging the ''corners'' of the video. Sometimes I notice that when I change the size of video from the dslr by dragging the corners, it makes the video from the dslr abit pixillated. So I prefer croping instead. But feel free to experiment with any of these two ways of resizing the video. After all this is in post production - you can always reverse it. I'm excited to share this with you.

  • KylePew
    KylePew Posts: 176 mentor rank

    You can setup your PowerPoint to "BROWSED BY AN INDIVIDUAL (Window)". You'll find this option in the SET UP SHOW command on the SLIDE TAB. This option allows you to resize the window and present with all the animations. I've done this before where I'll have an Excel worksheet open and the PowerPoint presentation side by side as I describe a process in Excel.