I can not create new accounts with new courses

I was instructor who totally relied on Udemy. Published more then 50+ Courses with Own hard work. Created 5 accounts and it was allowed by Udemy for multiple accounts ( with permission of Udemy team )

Following Email received from Udemy Trust & Safety on 14 Jun 2023, 22:08 (11 days ago) :
According to our records, it appears that you are affiliated with and/or using content from an account, which has been previously banned due to violations of our Terms.
Please note that following a ban, the individual, company, and/or organization in question are not permitted to sign up for any additional Udemy accounts. Should any additional accounts exist at the time of ban, they too must be closed.
As such, this account is considered in violation of our Terms of Use and has been permanently removed from the marketplace along with any associated courses.
Although this represents our final decision, we are available to answer any logistical questions you may have.

Now, 11 days ago, I have not got any reply back from Udemy. Unfortunately, I am not aware that why my all 5 accounts banned with number of courses. I have not used someone content because I was totally relied on it. Even, I am not able to create and publish new courses or also can not create new account. Request to Udemy to unban or give permission to create new account and courses if they don't want previous profiles or courses.


  • Leonor C.
    Leonor C. Posts: 1,143 Udemy rank

    Hello @OnlineCours085

    I am sorry about this but here in the Community we do not have additional information to help you out. This is something you need to address with the Trust and Safety tean through the email policy@udemy.com. They will be happy to provide further assistance.

    Kindest regards!


    Udemy Community team

  • I have not receive any reply. More then 2 weeks finished, its still ban and policy@udemy.com also do not give me reply. @Leonor C.
    Can you please tell me that my account is permanently ban or there is hope because when I try to login, it shows that it's temporarily ban. What your opinion Respected @Leonor C.

  • I have not receive any reply. More then 2 weeks finished, its still ban and policy@udemy.com also do not give me reply. @LeonorCollor Can you please tell me that my account is permanently ban or there is hope because when I try to login, it shows that it's temporarily ban. What your opinion

  • Leonor C.
    Leonor C. Posts: 1,143 Udemy rank

    Hello @OnlineCours085

    I am so sorry but here in the community we do not have access to this information. As I said earlier, only Trust and Safety team can access your account informations and has a reply to this specificic question. I would ask you to write once more to policy@udemy.com and see what they reply.

    Kindest regards and good luck!


    Udemy Community team