Using latex in the Practice test questions


I am creating a course containing Practice Tests. The questions in the test use plenty of scientific notations and Greek symbols. I want to know how to use Latex in Practice test questions and answers.



  • Leonor C.
    Leonor C. Posts: 1,148 Udemy rank

    Hello @ArtiRanjan

    Happy to help! If you are speaking of symbols and special characters you can upload it as an image. For example there are ins that add mathematical equations and what you do is they upload the image instead of typing the questions.


    Hope I could help you out!

    Kindest regards!


    Udemy Moderation team

  • Hi Arti @ArtiRanjan

    I would recommend saving your LaTeX or TeX output as a pdf file and load the pdf file for your lectures notes or exercises work to be made available as a download material for students.

    I do agree with you on using TeX or LaTeX for mathematical equation, for it the software best suited for professional quality publications.

    I first started using TeX back in 1985 and I do still use it or use LaTeX for my course lectures and my publications.

    Best regards,

  • This takes me back. For those that don't know, TeX is a typesetting program written by the greatest ever computer scientist, Donald Knuth, amazingly still alive:

    He thought TeX would take about six months to write. It took him ten years. The intricacies of combining different shapes of letters in the best way is many, many, many times more complex that most people realize.

    Most people use LaTeX as the easiest macro language to implement TeX.

    Donald intended TeX to produce "beautiful output". I think he achieved his goal. Here is a formula from my PhD thesis from 1992 that conveys some of the effect.


    I'm embarrassed to say I no longer have the slightest idea what I meant by that formula!


  • Hi Bill, @WilliamStewart

    Knut's book is such a great book, I have used it countless times.

    For me I wrote both my Ms.C. 1985 and my Ph. D. 1989 in TeX, in electrical engineering, Colorado University at Boulder. The operating system was the VAX and the computer languages we used for simulations were Fortran and C.

    Microsoft that time was at DOS 3.x, needless to say how expensive was a PC or an Apple Mac that time, with 640KB of Ram!!!!

    Good old days.

    Best regards,

  • Thanks all.