Let's welcome our new members! [July 2023]


Hello ,

We're delighted to extend a warm welcome to our newest members who joined us in the Instructor Community in July.

Let's take a moment to welcome :

, @AhmetKöprü458
, @AhmetOzanŞe393
, @AinaManresa1530
, @AkashKumar695
, @AlexDima
, @AkilanK395
, @Algorithmic848
, @AlyssaCurta004
, @AntPool
, @ArtemWealth
, @ArtiRanjan
, @Attention-Broker
, @AylinArslann
, @Bengi
, @BenLugosch712
, @BharatSharm709
, @BilelBOURAO613
, @Barikiel J Damiano
, @DanielM27
, @AjayKumar923
, @AshfaqAKhan007
, @ArunaMettle456
, @Dilipan
, @Dr.reem069
, @ElefteriaMa287
, @FatimaBatoo486
, @Fahimulkabir
, @GauravSingh194
, @FitnessCoac736
, @Goodykeys564
, @H.K.Gowthami
, @hasnayni
, @HeerallSailor981
, @Iftekhar756
, @Isabelle585
, @GinnySheare772
, @IzeldinIbra797
, @J.young867
, @IslamSalikh106
, @Leszekt
, @LovishAhita510
, @ManishKumar694
, @ManojDutta333
, @MarchisOgbu281
, @MargieMarie1
, @MarichuDioc934
, @MichaelIyan196
, @Mohamed_Wafik
, @MohamedSami955
, @Mohmmad soleimany
, @Monique_Gershon
, @muhammadAqe260
, @MuhammadMus187
, @MyNameIsPaweł
, @MuhammadSaqib1199
, @NaseerAhmad767
, @Nancy103
, @NavneetSoni2711
, @Ng'enoKissa729
, @Nicholas-onyeaka
, @Anonymous
, @OlaoluwaMat662
, @PabloGuimaraess
, @Parsa.Kh
, @SyedAshrafU656
, @SyedFarhanA555
, @Taalib
, @TheJobassey
, @Tony AI Champ
, @TranceMindset
, @UditGupta1999
, @TomDeLoughr351
, @UmairKhan454
, @VaibhavAman15
, @Valentyn V. Kotsarenko
, @VinithaRajan244
, @Viswa9010
, @WilliamPhyo071
, @Vivek Sharma
, @Yashguptayy
, @Yusuf Babagana
, @Yvonne Taylor
, @ZeynepNurTa241

Whether you're just getting started or you've been teaching online for years, this is a place where you can connect with others, share your experiences, and learn from each other. If you're new to the community, here are a few things you can do to get started:

  • Introduce yourself: Write a post and tell us a little bit about yourself, your background, and your teaching experience.
  • Do you have questions for the other instructors or the Udemy team? Don't hesitate, and create a post!
  • Check out our monthly themes: Every month, we share a calendar of discussions and resources around a specific theme to help you grow as an online instructor.
  • Join our coffee chats: Every month, we host a virtual coffee chat where you can connect with other members and discuss a variety of topics related to online teaching. Please click here to learn more about the next coffee chat.

We're thrilled to have you join us, and we're excited to connect with you and support you on your journey on Udemy.


Udemy Community Team


  • Hello Udemy Instructors, I am excited about my new journey, and I appreciate this platform provided. I look forward to successful connections and building great relationships in the network. Thank you, MarinaT for the warm welcome.

  • Yvonne,

    A warm welcome to a wonderful Udemy Instructor community. I am fairly new also. I feel comfortable and I am grateful for all the support I have received. Feel free to reach out.


  • Welcome from the bottom of my heart!

    Aruna Mettler

  • MarinaT
    MarinaT Posts: 2,246 Udemy rank

    Hi @Yvonne Taylor

    You are very welcome . We hope you will have a good time on Udemy and in the community.

    Please let us know if you have any questions!

    I wish you a lovely weekend!

  • Hi Marina @MarinaT

    I do second you in welcoming the July 2023 Udemy new instructors and wish each new member a great success teaching on Udemy.

    Best regards,

  • MarinaT
    MarinaT Posts: 2,246 Udemy rank

    Yay! Happy August, @Ahmed_Jendoubi

  • Happy August to you too Mariana @MarinaT

    You are brightening the Instructors community with your positive energy and constructive advice.

    Best regards,

  • Thanks

    But my course isn't getting approved yet

    It has been a few times already that I made changes as per the feedback, but it is still not accepted. I see many courses on Udemy with a similar name as mine. But the team isn't allowing me to have that name.

    After a few instructions, I changed the name too Now, waiting... no response yet!!

  • Check every section and make sure you have completed all requirements.

    I had the same problem and I found that i did not have video for one of the sections.

  • Thank You But they have a problem with my title, whereas there are courses of exactly similar names I'm sad...

  • MarinaT
    MarinaT Posts: 2,246 Udemy rank

    Hi @Ahmed_Jendoubi

    Thank you so much for your lovely feedback. I'm very happy to hear that!

    Have a nice week!

  • Can you modify the title? What is the name of your course. Let me see if I can suggest a change.

  • The name of the course is "Become a Better Person in 7 Days." They say this is a promise I should not be making. But there are actually a lot of other courses ending with 'in 7 Days' and those are all published on Udemy.

    I am not getting proper guidance in this regard. It has been 3 Days since I last submitted it for review. This is the 3rd or 4th submission. There is no response from the reviewers.

    I do not know what to do now.

  • I hope I will have a good time on Udemy

  • Bessy
    Bessy Posts: 1,052 Udemy rank

    Hi @huzaifaamir15
    Welcome to the community!

  • Thanks u so much i hope i learn a lot from this site