Course Creation Resources

Udemy is not just a wealth of information for learners, we also have various resources to help instructors succeed!

To get you started, we’d love to share some helpful resources to help you in your course creation journey.

Are there any other resources you’d like to see to help you create your course?

Comment below and let us know!


  • Thanks, this is really helpful @RyanJaress

  • RyanJaress
    RyanJaress Posts: 338 Udemy rank

    Of course! Happy to help

  • Thanks for sharing , very helpful

  • This was awesome @RyanJaress
    . Could we access a resource on video editing screencast videos for folks who are new to video editing. What are some accessible ways to improve our screencast videos?

  • Thanks for sharing!
    Btw, here is an interesting idea...
    What if Udemy had a library of copyright free audio files, like background music, sound effects, etc. Maybe this could also be extended to stock images and videos, which would be available for every instructor during the course creation process

  • Thanks a ton for these links and it really helped to understand where to begin the journey as Instructor.

  • Thanks for this amazing content