Traffic & conversion-strange site

I've been looking into the traffic and conversion of my course and in the sources it shows a site called anonymz. I clicked on it and it just shows a site that says there you can block the referer when a vistitor clicks a link on your homepage and i've had 3 visitors from there. Does anybody know what this is? This source differs from the rest. Thank you in advance.
The only reason to send links through there is to hide where the link came from. Probably originating from some pirate site if I had to guess - whoever is using it doesn't want you or Udemy to know about them. But if it's only 3 visitors, it's probably not worth worrying about. It's possible it's nothing nefarious and just someone running a website who is overzealous about privacy.
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I have had the same thing, when I looked at the conversions information. It shows 7 visitors via, classed as outside sources. I am wondering if it is from my posts promoting the course on my community FB group page, as that is a private group, but then I do have Facebook listed as a traffic source for instructor promo, so I am a bit stumped.
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Interesting ….I had a few refunds on new courses and wonder if they pirated the course. I can see some emails and no anonymz. I found there are 6 competitors when I looked them up:
Interesting …what will they come up next?I like your handle btw
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Please check your Revenue Report for refund. Most likely there will be a refund from a “”. Within hours of releasing a new course, this site buys the course and within two hours claims refund. You can guess what’s going on
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I got the same thing. I am new here and my first course stats show this Anonimz as a visitor, then I got a refund from the only buyer I had. This is not funny. Shouldn't Udemy check this thing and protect our accounts? Why would a visitor not want to show his name?