Traffic & conversion-strange site


I've been looking into the traffic and conversion of my course and in the sources it shows a site called anonymz. I clicked on it and it just shows a site that says there you can block the referer when a vistitor clicks a link on your homepage and i've had 3 visitors from there. Does anybody know what this is? This source differs from the rest. Thank you in advance.


  • FrankKane
    FrankKane Posts: 1,903 rolemodel rank

    The only reason to send links through there is to hide where the link came from. Probably originating from some pirate site if I had to guess - whoever is using it doesn't want you or Udemy to know about them. But if it's only 3 visitors, it's probably not worth worrying about. It's possible it's nothing nefarious and just someone running a website who is overzealous about privacy.

  • I have had the same thing, when I looked at the conversions information. It shows 7 visitors via, classed as outside sources. I am wondering if it is from my posts promoting the course on my community FB group page, as that is a private group, but then I do have Facebook listed as a traffic source for instructor promo, so I am a bit stumped.

  • Alexia
    Alexia Posts: 457 mentor rank


    Interesting ….I had a few refunds on new courses and wonder if they pirated the course. I can see some emails and no anonymz. I found there are 6 competitors when I looked them up:
    Interesting …what will they come up next?

    I like your handle btw

  • Please check your Revenue Report for refund. Most likely there will be a refund from a “”. Within hours of releasing a new course, this site buys the course and within two hours claims refund. You can guess what’s going on.

  • I got the same thing. I am new here and my first course stats show this Anonimz as a visitor, then I got a refund from the only buyer I had. This is not funny. Shouldn't Udemy check this thing and protect our accounts? Why would a visitor not want to show his name?