3 coupons per month

Hello there,

I'm new here and just finish my first course, and want to promote the course fot getting reviews and comments. In promotion page, I received a message that I can create 3 more coupons per month, is that mean every 30 days starting from now? or 3 in September and other 3 in October and so on.



  • Bessy
    Bessy Posts: 993 Udemy rank

    Hi @AsimWidatal704
    congratulations on your first course!

    The three coupons are available each month, which means the three coupons available for this month will end on September 30th. You can read more about coupons in this article.

    Let me know if you have additional questions!

  • It's three per calendar month. So three for September, three for October....but the timeframes for the coupon can extend beyond the month. For example, if you create a 30-day coupon today, it'll be valid through Oct 27. It's the creation of the coupon that ends by the calendar month.

  • @Btkrausen
    & @Bessy

    Many thanks for your valuable responses,