How to stay motivated during course creation procedure?


  • This is one of the hardest parts I find to building the courses.

    I break apart the process in manageble chunks then set my weekly schedule to accomplish them.

    I have courses that have taken sometimes 6 months or longer to build and the task tracking has kept me one track.

  • Planning is everything in the process

    So true especially on the last paragraph, I get asked where I find time but that's just it you need to sacrifice with a bit - which is much more satisfying in the end.

  • What helps me to stay motivated is knowing that I will be added value to at least one person. Also, in the building process, I usually like to try something new that I have never done before so it makes it to be fun as well. Lastly, just talking with friends and family where I am at with the building journey and they adding value to me with their thoughts on the course.

    Continue to keep building!

  • Anyone interested in doing an accountability group with fellow instructors to motivate each other to get our next course "out the door" (published)? If so, I started a thread here with the proposed details. Let me know on that thread if you're interested, or what you think :)

  • 2DZ
    2DZ Posts: 3 researcher rank

    Would be very interested in joining something like this, however, it says I do not have permission to join when I click the link. Is there an updated link?


    Anyone interested in doing an accountability group with fellow instructors to motivate each other to get our next course "out the door" (published)? If so, I started a thread here with the proposed details. Let me know on that thread if you're interested, or what you think :)

  • tutorjack on Slack.