
Should you be giving out free coupons as a way to market your course?


  • Alexia
    Alexia Posts: 457 mentor rank


    The best practice is to share your link given in course management and promotions for the course, as you get a higher percentage of revenue share, than enrollments directly from Udemy. So share your course link with your networks via email and social media.

    Free doesn’t get much traction in learner engagement, bots collect courses, and few reviews are given. That is what the consensus is on the forum. That may not always be the case though. Give it a try and please report back how you made it work in your overall marketing strategy. I think people value what they pay for:)

  • Thanks alot this has really given me alot to think about. About pricing and also marketing my course i appreciate this feedback this will be my guide. And after doing it yes! I will definitely come and share my experience on how it all went

  • Alexia
    Alexia Posts: 457 mentor rank

