Hello, if you have been in this space for quite some time have seen the ups and downs, would you say in 2023 its worth posting your course here?


  • RonErez
    RonErez Posts: 248 specialist rank

    Hi Ann Yves,

    I've been on Udemy for a little over a year and have published 6 courses. One of the courses is quite successful and the rest gain some but very very little income.

    So my answer is that it might be worth it but one has to be fully aware that you might put in a lot of work with very little results. I'd recommend looking for topics in demand and create a really good course. It has to outshine your competition or at least be as good as others or maybe offer something new.

    Another thing to note is that your course will be available for the first two months as "hot and new" where it will get a lot of exposure. If (from my experience) your course does not sell much in those two months then when that period is over your course might be several pages back or even vanish from the search.

    Here's another tip. If you have several courses then you can cross sell between courses. For example in my case I have one very successful course. So one or twice a month I recommend my other courses to these students.

    Bottom line. It might be worth it but it also might be a frustrating experience. Even my successful course is very far from allowing me to quit my day job (honestly I do not want to quite my day job).

    One more tip. Audio and video is crucial. Make sure to send Udemy a test video. They give great feedback.

    Good luck and perhaps others could offer useful advice.


  • This is very helpful information especially for someone who is just starting out. to hear from others who have been in the space... and not have to go through the same.. the reply is very informative and it allows someone to take a step back and really look into all options available...thanks Ron

  • RonErez
    RonErez Posts: 248 specialist rank

    My pleasure. I really don't want to discourage you in anyway. Udemy can be great but one must have realistic expectations. Perhaps someone else can share their experience. I know there are very successful teachers on Udemy.

    Initially my plan was to publish 100 courses and then it changed to 40 and then I realized that creating a course is quite a lot of work and creating a successful course (i.e. a course that people buy every month) is not easy, for me at least.

    Also my successful course was doing great. At some point within a two week period I received several bad reviews, the course rating went down to 3.9 and the sales dropped drastically for two months. A few months later the course rating went all the way back up to 4.8 and then the sales rapidly increased.

    Bottom line:

    1. Make an amazing course

    2. Make sure it's on a topic that is really in demand

    3. Take what I suggest with a grain of salt. My experience might not represent all scenarios.

    Good luck with your course !


  • @Annyves221
    Your profile says that you teach Forex Trading. Have you studied the competition in this topic? To be very honest, I think your probability of competing successfully in this topic is extremely low. You say that you are an experienced Forex trader, but to be very frank, your picture looks like you are a teenager. Is that a current photo? It isn't credible. Why would I buy your program rather than the current best selling courses? I don't mean to be discouraging, but this is the reality of a highly competitive market place.

  • @LawrenceMMiller
    @Hello thank you very much for this comment. You make a fair argument looking at it from that perspective it does make alot of sense.

  • @RonErez
    taking your advice and...factoring it in to how ill continue thanks ...

    And good luck to you as well