I want to get feedback on a published course

Hi. I published a course recently and wanted to receive feedback on the course. I am in the process of creating subtitles in other languages and dubbing in the English version. Is there a real chance that this will increase my sales?

My course is here: https://www.udemy.com/course/tworz-nowoczesne-strony-internetowe-w-blyskawicznym-tempie/learn/lecture/40839752#overview

Sales on the Polish market are currently weak..


  • Alexia
    Alexia Posts: 457 mentor rank


    Dubbing in English is a smart move, as this is a more universal language and will reach a wider audience. I’ve thought of creating a Spanish course for this reason. Smart thinking.

  • Bessy
    Bessy Posts: 1,053 Udemy rank

    Hi @SebastianNiesporek
    Happy Tuesday!

    I agreed with what @Alexia
    said, adding captions to your courses is a great way of increasing student engagement and accessibility for your courses.

    You can check this article to learn how to add captions to your videos.

    Best regards,