Who owns the content

Hello everybody. I'm wondering what I can do with my course after it has been published on Udemy. Will I be able to use some lessons on Instagram or Youtube to obatin more students?
And, very important thing, what happens If I decide to stop selling my course using Udemy: will I be able to close my Udemy account and use the same video on another platform? Or the lessons become in some way property of Udemy?
I hope my course will go great on Udemy, but just in case it does not go in the right way, I have to know what I can do with it! Thanks
You own the content that you create and upload to Udemy. You are free to use that content on any other site or sell the same course on any other platform.
However, that changes a bit if you are creating content that is included in Udemy for Business. Once a course is added to U4B, the content should be exclusive to Udemy and not be available on any other site besides your own.
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I'm not sure of what kind of course I am creating: which is the difference? I'm sorry but it the first course for me and I am quite confused
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Hi @Effe
,Thanks for reaching out. We are always happy to help!
I will be answering the questions below:
1. You can market your course using social media. I know that marketing a course can be challenging, but no worries, this is one of the most discussed topics in the community. You can find the Best Instructor Posts of All Time — Marketing here; these should provide helpful insights and best practices from other instructors.
I also recommend watching this webinar we had a few months ago, Webinar Replay: 5 Things Every Instructor Should Do After Publishing.
Please check it out, and I'm sure you will learn a lot about what to do after publishing your course!
2. In case you would like to close your account with us you will be able to do it but there is going to be a process depending if you have student enrollments or not.
3. Once your account is closed or a course is not being offered on the marketplace you should be able to use the same course or content in another platform. I know you will find Udemy as the best teaching platform and I hope you achieve your goals here at Udemy.
If you have more questions, please let me know or you can always reach out to our instructor support here.
David V.
Community Moderator
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Hey @Effe
I think you can share some of your preview videos on social media. Then interested candidates get enroll her self in your course.
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Thank you for sharing it, I had this question in my mind too.
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This is a different dialogue to the one a few years ago where Udemy insisted on exclusivity on all courses and promised lifetime access for students to content that belonged to the creator - something they legally couldn't do. Nice to see that things have evolved and succinctly put @Btkrausen