My Story to $30K Revenue: How I launch 4-Hour courses in a Week



  • Nice to read your story.

  • Thank you very much... All your experience will help me a lot to do great courses in the days to come...My prayerful wishes to you...

  • Hey micheal, do add help? How did u generate ads ?

  • EliF1
    EliF1 Posts: 15 researcher rank

    Your story is great! Thank you very much for sharing it!

    May I ask you a question? As you said, in the first video you used a laptop microphone.
    And which one do you use now, of course, if it's not a secret? Or, maybe, you use a noise cancelling neural network? Or both of them? Can you give me an advice, please? The fact is that I've just launched my first course with echo. And I'm finding how to get rid of this in my next courses

  • Impressive

  • Hi Bro, I'm little confused in preparing my works, especially technical issues such as words or slides and records. How do you suggest for psychological topics? Thanks

  • I found this useful, and thanks for your vulnerability about how you started and moved to be better and kept going.

  • sasban9
    sasban9 Posts: 5 researcher rank

    This was great information and it will definitely help me! Hoping you will have a follow-up article to this one in 2024.