Python imports for coding exercises

Hi team,

I would love to use coding exercises in my courses. However, I need to install a Python library otherwise, I get import errors.

Is there a way to do that?

Thank you


  • Bessy
    Bessy Posts: 1,009 Udemy rank

    Hi @MarcLamberti
    Happy Wednesday!

    Thank you for asking. These are the supported libraries:


    There are some libraries that are not supported, you can contact our Instructor Support Team for further troubleshooting/review.

    Best regards,

  • Mark, I would also add that there is a Python Data Science Language option that includes the common Python data libraries like NumPy, Pandas, Sklearn and a few others. The full set of libraries can be viewed when selecting it.

  • @Bessy
    - I want to add OpenAI libraries like OpenAI (Either built-in in Udemy or by using Pip install) , how do I do that in the coding exercise, please help!

  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,573 Udemy rank

    You can currently create coding exercises in the following languages: C#, C# 11, C++, CSV processing (with Python), HTML, Java 17 (with JUnit5), Java 11, Java 9, JavaScript ES6, PHP 7, PHP 5, Python 3.10, Python 3.8, Python 3.5, R 3.6, React 16,
    React 18, Ruby, SciPy 1.4 (NumPy, Pandas, SymPy) and SciKit Learn 0.23, SQL, SQLite 3, Swift 5, and Swift 3.

    You can learn more about coding exercises here.

  • @ElianaC
    - Thanks for your response. My course is on the latest Generative AI technologies. My students are expecting assignments on this and I cannot create them without Python libraries of OpenAI/Gemini libraries. Do we have a workaround around this or can you share when we will have the ability to add libraries.

  • I am in the same case with Polars library. I need install it, but I can't for the moment. Is there a ETA for install new libraries?

  • FrankKane
    FrankKane Posts: 1,894 rolemodel rank

    They can't let us install just anything for both security reasons and to have some control over their server costs. Libraries such as openai also come with the question of who pays for the API access..

    For now maybe you can just direct your students to Google Colab for things coding exercises don't support.

    They are always working on expanding coding exercises, but it would be nice to have a mechanism for instructors to request specific libraries.

  • PJPaweska
    PJPaweska Posts: 23 trailblazer rank

    I am having a similar issue but with Java 17 exercises.

    I need certain imports but those are not available it seems (even when I try to use AI to give me a workaround the AI tool generates the code with those same imports! - so AI is kind of useless here)

    Where can I find out what imports and libraries are supported for java 17 exercises?