New Course Promotion

Hello Friends,

I have created my first paid course in Udemy titled ‘ Procurement Cycle with Sourcing strategies + Real Life Case studies’ .

I wish to know the ways in promoting my course so that maximum students at least get aware about this course.

please advise your valuable tips on above.



  • Hello and congrats on creating your first course!

    My first piece of advice would be around the title: a shorter snappier title will capture people's attention more.

    In terms of promoting the course:

    1. Create coupons and share with people you know

    2. Share the link to your course on social media

    3. Share the link to your course with people you know need the course.

    Best of luck!

  • upkaizen
    upkaizen Posts: 98 storyteller rank

    Hi @SARFU90

    Congratulations on creating your first paid course on Udemy!

    Your proposed topic seems super interesting. We also create content similar to yours. Some tips to share:

    - Create a title that is attractive and marketable. Do not have evidence, but I believe that it also helps with SEO.
    - Spread the word on Social media as much as possible.
    - Use coupons as much as possible.
    - I think focusing on real-life experience is very valuable. You can use that as a valuable marketing resource.
    - Make/remake a good presentation video with you that shows something attractive about your path.
    - Create an attractive photo for the landing page.
    - Make the videos in "preview" generate good engagement.

    I hope it helps.

    Best wishes!
