Rating isn't correct

Hi, I got my first two ratings on my new course. The first was 4 stars and the second 5 stars.

My rating is showing as 4 rather than 4.5.

I understand Udemy uses a weighted rating system which takes into consideration the usefulness of the review. The 5 star review gave feedback after watching a decent amount of the course, and also ticked all the questionnaire checkboxes. The 4 star only chose a star rating and did so almost immediately after purchase (so didn't watch barely any of the course). As a weighted system, I would have assumed the rating with the review, longer viewing length and questionnaire answered would have had more weight, pushing the course rating closer to 5.

Is this a bug?




  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,637 Udemy rank

    Hi @3d illusions
    Congrats on getting a 5-star review! That’s fantastic. Yes, Udemy uses a weighted rating system. Some reviews are more helpful than others, so we weigh reviews with more written feedback, from students who consumed more of the course, etc. more than reviews with no feedback or from a student who only took a few minutes of your course. If you would like to get more details about it, please send an email to policy@udemy.com.


    Udemy Community Moderator

  • Hi Eliana. Yes this is what I expected, but in this instance, the 4 star review that left no written review after watching virtually non of the course, is having a stronger influence than the 5 star review that was posted with feedback and written review, after watching a larger portion of the course.

    Do you think it might be a bug with the udemy weighting system?

  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,637 Udemy rank

    Hi @3d illusions
    I understand and I want you to have a better explanation about this, but the best place to investigate this is with our support team since they have information available to provide you more details about your course.