Not sure why it always shows incomplete instructor profile

Hi experienced instructors, I need your help with the below issues within the instructor profile. I have already successfully posted a course, and now I'm preparing the 2nd course, but it still shows me an incompleted instructor profile as below. I'm not even sure about the issues that caused this and how to fix this:




  • Hi @ZoraZhangAccounting

    As I see, it says the instructor's biography should be atleast 50 words long. So I guess it is not recognizing the non-English characters you have written. Please include 50 words written in English as well, and the problem will be solved. You can also write to for help.

    Hope this helps!

  • Hi, I have same problem. I am trying to fill using only English still get same error.

    Not sure. Waiting for some help.

    Kind Regards,


  • Bella
    Bella Posts: 3,694 traveler rank

    Hi @ZoraZhangAccounting and @KalyaniGuna311, thanks for reaching out! Sorry to hear you're both having issues completing your Instructor Bio.

    @AnupShukla is absolutely right here. While it says that the Instructor Bio requires '50 characters', it requires at least 50 words for it to be saved. It will not allow proceeding without having this properly completed. You can confirm the number of words in your text by using this website:

    If you continue to experience issues, please feel free to reach out to Instructor Support and the team will be happy to assist!

    Bella Almeida

    Udemy Community

  • Hi, the problem still exists, my description is confirmed 61 words long. I would like to undo my instructor profile and just be student again. I can't access my purchase history any longer or any other aspect of my accounts any longer. The page for support doesn't offer any email address or any personal contact, just generic links for FAQ and how to . I'm not willing to read all this. Its very annoying. Regards

  • Hello, Could you solve it? Cheers

  • HI, My description is 61 words long and yet I still got this profile info screen again and again. What other solutions are available? Any ideas? Any help is highly appreciated. Phil

  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,580 Udemy rank

    Hi @PhilN.977
    I'm sorry to see you are struggling with saving the profile description if you have used the word counter to check how many words you are using and you are in the right path and still having issues, please reach out to our support team, to contact the team, please open the help center article here and click “Contact Us” on the right.

    Eliana Cerna

    Udemy Community Moderator

  • Rpd082
    Rpd082 Posts: 1 observer rank

    This means 50 words write your bio not a 50 charactor . try 50 words means 5 lines of your bio information.