Persona ID Verification

Hello everyone!
I'm publishing my first course.
And I've bumped into ID Verification with Persona.
I've uploaded my document's photo there.
After that, appeared the inscription: "Your submission will be reviewed within the next 2-3 days."
Instructors, who have been through this before, tell me please.
Is it safe to upload my personal data into persona?
How will I know that my ID is verified? Will a receive an email?
Will my course be launched automatically or not?
Thanks in advance!
Hi @EliF1
Happy to provide clarification! This information is strictly confidential and is reviewed by a third-party identity verification service provider to validate details. You will receive an email to confirm your account has been verified.Once your account is verified you will need to submit the course for review which this process will take around 2 business days.
I hope this helps!
Udemy Community Moderator