Anyone had experience creating a Udemy course from a cohort-based course?

Hello vibrant Udemy community!

I am an instructor with a successful live cohort-based course who wants to re-create the course as asynchronous Udemy content. Did any of you have any similar experience? Would love to hear your insights.


  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,628 Udemy rank

    Hi @LevG
    I'm bumping this post to see if anyone in the community can offer some assistance or advice.

    If anyone has any suggestions or experiences making this transition to convert their course into Udemy format.

  • LevG
    LevG Posts: 2 researcher rank

    Thank you! It is quite a niche question, but I'm sure someone out there has went through this process before. If not, then I guess we'll trailblaze and share the experience in retrospect.