How to get good reviews

Dear all,

I have 3 courses on udemy and I want to have better and more reviews.

Some of the reviews were real but Udemy team prevented them as they mentioned that they were made too early and seem they are not based on real opinions.

Any clues


  • Thank you so much @
    sounds really amazing.




    One technique that I use to get good reviews is scan my student course completion records looking for students who have completed 100% of the course but not left a review. To those students I send a Udemy message asking them to please leave a review. Note that you should not ask for or even mention a five star review, just remind them to leave a review. In my message I include a link to the course and brief instructions on how to leave a review to make things easy.

    Students who have completed 100% of your course are more likely to leave good reviews. You can delve deeper into the completion percentage, but I wouldn't go any lower than 90% in case there's a reason the student didn't complete the course.

    Hope this helps,


  • Thank you so much @csking1981
    . This makes sense to me.

    Have a great day



    Welcome and congrats for your 3 courses.

    The process of Udemy review is based on algorism so it's hard to say how they decide about reviews and ratings.

    But you must consider these:

    1- Be honest and don't play with Udemy system.

    2- Don't ask students directly rate you as great and so on...

    3- Use free coupons to get more students and ask them politely to see your course in real condition an write the real comments about your course not only say: Great and The best!

    4- Don't buy reviews! because they violate Udemy policy and will resulted to penalty.


  • Hi Brian - that sounds like a great strategy. I'm in the same position so will do that too! Nice, thanks! ;)

  • Interesting! Where do you find the course completion records? Thanks.

  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,632 Udemy rank

    Hi @trulery
    You'll be able to access your student's progress from the student's list, check this article for more information.

    Eliana Cerna

    Udemy Community