Resolution Revolution: Advocating for Higher Quality Videos on Udemy

While I appreciate that UDEMY has a worldwide viewer base, the persistence with very low-resolution video modes on the platform means that students are really being done a disservice. Course requirements are that one must upload a video for each lesson in a course. or at least as near as possible. A minimum amount of video time is required.

However, I see that there are still resolutions like 144, 360, 480, and 720 being used. Seriously, these resolutions are those used in 1984 and are as good as useless. All mobile phones, tablets, laptops and desktop screens now offer resolutions up to 1080p as a minimum. I'm sitting here on a 4K Screen capable of 3840x2160 (16:9 aspect ratio). I have an iPad Mini 6 that will display HDR videos. The quality is so good that I can read 12pt text in a video of a book page.

Now of course these files are pretty large, but the average size of a standard HD (1080) video of around 20 minutes is only about 500GB.

UDEMY file size limits are way below this and almost force you to use the most ridiculous low resolutions.

Unless I'm missing something, if it hasn't been done already it's time UDEMY moved into the 21st century and provided instructors - and students - with useable resolutions and file size increases to accommodate the higher resolutions.

Absolutely, it's quite frustrating when the technology available far exceeds the standards being implemented. Udemy's insistence on low-resolution video modes is indeed perplexing, especially considering the advancements in display technology over the years.

It's not just about aesthetics either; higher-resolution videos provide a more engaging and immersive learning experience. Imagine trying to grasp complex concepts or details in a low-resolution video—it's like trying to read fine print through foggy glasses.

Moreover, with the ubiquity of high-definition displays across devices, from smartphones to laptops to TVs, learners expect a certain level of quality when they invest their time and money into online courses. It's not unreasonable to demand that educational platforms like Udemy keep up with these expectations.

The argument about file size limitations is valid but not insurmountable. With advancements in compression technology and storage capabilities, accommodating higher resolutions shouldn't be as much of a barrier as it once was. And considering the benefits it brings to the learning experience, it's an investment worth making.

Ultimately, it's about providing the best possible resources for learners to succeed. By upgrading their video resolution standards, Udemy can ensure that they're not just keeping pace with the times but also leading the way in online education.


  • Udemy already requires you to upload full HD video lectures. The other resolutions are there, most likely, for the benefit of those students that don’t have access to high-speed internet.

  • HD videos can be quite large, and the file sizes for even short videos are usually way more than Udemy allows. I don't know if there will ever be a solution.

  • To quote another instructor, this is a reply they received. Kind of emphasising my point. Oh, and their solution doesn't work .

    Hi @Hackerman Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Udemy employs an “Adaptive Streaming” player for course videos. This option is not yet available for all Udemy courses, but we’re always happy to enable it by instructor request. When enabled, it means that students can choose an “Auto” streaming option for the course video. With this Auto option, 1080p streaming is possible, if the student has the streaming capability and necessary screen size to take advantage of 1080p.

    To get adaptive streaming enabled for your course, please reach out to the Support team and our team will be happy to set it up for you. To contact the team, please open the help center article here and click “Contact Us” on the right side.

  • How long are your videos?? I’ve uploaded over a thousand lecture videos all in full HD and have never run into a size issue.

    I’m not a huge fan of their adaptive streaming solution, but it does work more often than it doesn’t.

    Also, if I’m not mistaken, they’ve recently turned on adaptive streaming by default for all new videos uploaded.

  • MarinaT
    MarinaT Posts: 2,246 Udemy rank


    Also, if I’m not mistaken, they’ve recently turned out adaptive streaming by default for all new videos uploaded.

    Yes, that's correct! This update was shared in our Udemy Instructor Insider back in November:

    Better video: We started improving video quality with course previews, which reduced start time and doubled watches. Now we’ve brought those improvements to lectures too, and have improved the average bitrate by over 400%. Best of all, adaptive streaming and 1080p resolution is now enabled for all new courses. This means that any new courses you publish, or any updates you make to your current courses, will be automatically available to your learners in HD.
    So, if you added your videos before that update, I recommend contacting our support team directly, @RobertChalmers
    (as mentioned in the other post).
  • Thanks for that update @MarinaT. So a video recorded at 1920x1080 at an Aspect ratio of 16:9 should have the option to play back at HD?

    What about 4K? 3840x2160 at 16:9 ???

    And while I'm thinking about it, what is the new file size limitation if there is one still?

    I'd really like to be able to offer the very best video and audio experience, without fear of bumping into limitations. YouTube has no such limitations and I can even put an 8K video up there, and it adjusts to whatever player the viewer is trying to play it on. Which I presume is your Adaptive Playback.

    Anyway, any progress is good progress. I must have missed the Instructor Insider Update that you mentioned.

    Thanks, I'll continue to work on what I have to update them before looking at new courses.

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