Course Outline

Hi there fellow instructors.
I am creating my my first Udemy course. Can you help me wrap my head around the course outline.
The core of my course outline is as follows- 4 lessons and 3-4 topics under each lesson. Each lesson have 2-3 objectives.
Now if I need to arrange these into sections and lectures. I assume the lessons will be the sections and lectures the topics.
I did read somewhere in the Udemy material for a lesson to have one objective. Am I correct? If so I am sitting with a challenge to make the lessons smaller - where each topic becomes a bit size lesson.
Can anyone share dome some light on this?
Please accept my warmest welcome to our community.
Don't annoy your self about these matter.
Consider you have one class so you must divide your objective into sections.
Each section is like a chapter in a book and each lecture is like a lesson in a chapter.
So i suggest to creare each lecture about 3-10 minutes it may differ based on your topic.
And put all related topics inside one section.
In addition consider these:
1-Enjoy the teaching!
2-Consider you are teaching to children so say everything in depth and in simple language!
3-Try diffrent methods to delivery your concept.
4- Be expert in your field of teaching.
It's really simple so take it easy.
I'm sure you could create great course so focus on you course and be like the water:
keep moving forward and find your path,your path to the brilliant future.
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Thank you, that is so encouraging. I needed that.
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Not to pad or anything, but I've been structuring courses around my major points based on sections as follows:
1) Introduction: Talking head introduction to the material to be covered.
2) Lecture(s): One or more PowerPoint lectures addressing the topic.
3) Desmonstration: A screencast demonstration of the techniques taught.
4) Quiz: A Udemy quiz on the material just covered.
5) Project: An article based lecture presenting a project to submit to the course Q&A.
6) Summary: Talking head summary of what was covered in the section.
So, 4 lessons would be 4 sections with multiple Lectures. Slap on an Introduction section where you provide an overview of the course and a Conclusion section in which you provide a summary of the course and the Bonus Lecture advertising your other courses and you're done.
Hope this helps,
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ty Brian for this. I like this approach best. I'm new to all this also.