Question about "# of Emails"

Hi There,

I saw the new feature added on the communication > emails section that says "# of Emails" so while this is not directly clear - when i hover over it says:


I have over 25000 students, half of these students are non UB, how come the number is just 76 for the number of people receiving these emails, is there something wrong here? or is this just me?

I can understand that people unsubscribe, but 76 seems very very low. Note this is the only way to upsell my courses to students.





  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,641 Udemy rank

    Hi @goyashy
    I see you are confused about this! To better understand the statistics you will need to send a request to the Instructor Support team as they will be able to evaluate your case and respond accordingly. To contact the team, please open the help center article here and click “Contact Us” on the right.


    Udemy Community Moderator

  • goyashy
    goyashy Posts: 52 storyteller rank

    Okay, will do, thanks!

  • @goyashy

    Did you get an answer to your question? I am seeing the same. I have 44K+ students, but # of emails only show around 200!!??

