Udemy Course Preparation Steps

You may find below information useful if you are creating course for first time.
1. Create Instructor login account and upload photo as per the required standards.
2. Prepare lectures and record using some good quality recording software as per the standards.
3. Please make atleast 5 separate lectures(I think no minimum time limit is there)
4. Use create course option and start filling various tabs with required information.
5. In curriculum tab, upload lectures (atleast 5) and wait for the upload to complete and add other information on this page like title and description. You can work on course landing page only after
this tab is completed. Also upload videos in bulk uploader so that you can access them directly if the same videos are to be used in another new course.
6. In course landing page , ensure to upload Courseware image (as per standards) and then click once on edit/crop otherwise it will not get saved.
7. Fill rest of the tabs and finally send for approval
8. Do not worry if its reffered back, Follow the feedback items and pls ensure to mark them as done and resubmit for Approval
All the Best and Happy Teaching!!
Hi @KeshavGulat856
Thanks for your contribution. However, your tips would be a better fit for Studio U, the group for aspiring instructors who have yet to publish a course.1 -