payment methods

my name is Hany Mansy, from Egypt...
recently we are facing a problem with online payments, Are there any alternatives regarding payments?
Hi @Hany_Mansy
,Currently, our Premium Instructors can select either PayPal or Payoneer to deliver the revenue they earn from their Udemy courses. Instructors who are residents of the United States, with a U.S. bank account, can also set up direct deposit for their payment method.
I hope this help, let us know if you have more questions!
David V.
Community Moderator
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When will a direct deposit to bank accounts method be available for non-US authors? The two current options, Payoneer and Paypal are no good and eat substantially into our incomes.
Udemy should consider and expedite this request in the author's best interest.
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Hi @ravikirans
Our team has been looking into additional payout options based on requests from other instructors. Adding US bank transfer for US-based instructors is a step towards being able to offer more options. Please click here to learn more about our current payout methods.While we have plans to enhance payout options for non-US instructors, we cannot provide specific details or timelines at this early stage.
Your feedback has been shared with the team, and we will keep the community informed of any updates regarding this matter.
Udemy Community Moderator
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Well, I see posts as far back as 3 years on this topic, so I assume this is a concern for the non-US-based authors at least since then.
2 years back Payoneer was charging 2%. Now they need more income and have started charging 3%. This is detrimental to the author's welfare and finances.
Probably, they want to keep pace with PayPal.
Now sure if this is a concern to Udemy?
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Hi @ravikirans
Thank you for raising this topic for discussion. It's important to note that Udemy does not have control over the withdrawal fees charged by Payoneer. These fees are determined and implemented by Payoneer.Eliana
Udemy Community Moderator
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Es importante este tema. Payonner me cobró una anualidad de más de $50 dólares, más los decuentos rutinarios por el servicio, lo cual me impactó en mis ingresos que son pocos. Pero es lamentable que se encuentre una solución para los autores que no vivimos en Estados Unidos. Esta ganando más por mis cursos Payonnner que el propio autor. Supongo que entre más rendimiento tenga por mis cursos, más gana esa empresa y afecta nuestra economía. Ojalá nos apoyen con una solución. Soy de México y padezco de este problema desde hace 3 años. Gracias por su atención. Espero sus consejos estimados instructores¡
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Now payoneer charges accounts which have smaller sums like 200 ar 2000 euros, so if you are smaller account which don't get that amount of money, you will be permanentally charged by payoneer just to keep empty account, which is absurd
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Can't say I'm loving PayPal either. I see a message in Paypal that I received a payout of X. I log into Paypal and see X minus a fee there😀for me. Then another fee when I try to move that money out of PayPal. Some Pal indeed.