On Udemy platform, I exist because Udemy exists…(My perception of Udemy)

I have been on Udemy since early 2021 and during the past three years plus, I have made 18 courses. I have not had an earning which I can boast of but yes, I have had a decent earning commensurate with my capabilities, time and efforts. Since the announcement and implementation of revenue share cut, I have seen an increase in dissentment and resentment so much so that some comments appear to be either arrogant or depressing. Over the past few days, I thought of introspection and I take this opportunity to express my thoughts. Some may not agree but I hope some may agree with me.

How do I see Udemy?

I have often heard people saying that the instructors are partners with Udemy. I don’t see it that way. Why should I? At least, Udemy has not told me so and I see no such thing in our relationship. I see Udemy as a huge “Mall” which has provided me a shelf for keeping my product (courses) for sale. If a sale occurs, Udemy gives me a small share of the profit. The terms and conditions and the price of the product are dictated by Udemy but the good part is that Udemy does not charge me anything upfront (rent) for keeping my stuff on its shelf. Udemy did not invite me to put my stuff on its shelf nor does it compel me to do so. Whether or not to keep my product on its shelf for sale is entirely my choice.

Am I happy being on Udemy?

Yes and No. I am happy with most things and am not happy about a few.

I am happy about its Transparency, its popularity, its vibrancy, its user friendliness, its prompt response and its patience in listening to the instructor’s grievances and grudges and many more things. The list will be long...

I am unhappy about the lack of importance it gives to the instructors in general (I feel some instructors are priviliged, though) , the revenue share, the opaqueness in curating courses for Udemy Business and above all…it does not distinguish between garbage and gold before putting a price tag on the product.

What have I done about my unhappiness and what was the outcome?

Several things. (a) I wrote to instructor support and posted in Udemy community. Some responses were logical, and some did not satisfy me. But I am happy that they heard me and they responded promptly. (b) I tried to put my courses on several other platforms but none of them yielded any revenue. Most were not transparent, and, in some cases, it was evident that my courses were generating revenue but it was not being shared with me. Eventually, I withdrew my courses from all of them. (c) I created my own website but realized that it would not yield a single sale without marketing. And when I indulged in marketing, I realized that the residual revenue was less than what Udemy is giving me.

What options do I have now?

I think only two. Either continue being on Udemy happily or leave it. The Obvious answer is that I would continue with Udemy happily. Why happily? Because if I keep cribbing and grudging, I would be inadvertently drilling a hole in the boat in which I am sailing. If Udemy sinks, I sink too (of course, I have my other ventures but here we are talking only of Udemy). If I choose to be unhappy, then I might better get off the boat and save myself as well as others.

Do I have any fears?

Yes, I do. I fear that if the disgruntlement amongst the instructors on the revenue share issue continues for long, and if the price tag on gold and garbage remains same, the ship may sink some day. And if the ship sinks, we all sink together.

Is there a ray of hope?

Of course there is. If we as instructors stop grumbling on the revenue share and contribute better ideas for collective progress and if the Captains of the ship called Udemy take appropriate measures, we all may be saved.

I may not be completely correct but that is what I conclude after introspection. I would love to hear what others think about it. Regards to all.

Col (Dr) Shabbar Shahid


  • ElianaC
    ElianaC Posts: 5,638 Udemy rank

    Hi @Col (Dr) Shabbar Shahid (Retd)
    First, thank you for sharing your thoughts with the community. Your insights on Udemy's role as a platform and your experiences resonate deeply. It's clear that while you appreciate many aspects of Udemy, you also have concerns, particularly regarding revenue sharing and course curation.

    We understand that you will invest your time and energy where you expect it to yield the highest return. However, I do want to assure you that Udemy is committed to increasing investments to improve our value for organizational customers, learners, and instructors.

    This includes areas like platform improvements, marketing investments, and go-to-market expansion that will deliver more traffic and drive platform engagement. We expect these investments to have an increased impact over time as we gain customers and market share in the industry.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts candidly. Your perspective enriches the conversation about how we can contribute to the success of platforms like Udemy.


    Udemy Community Moderator

  • Thank you for your response Eliana

  • Mohamed Eid
    Mohamed Eid Posts: 39 traveler rank


  • Congratulations for this incredible post. I am also an instructor from 2021 like yourself, and your thoughts really resonates both with my experience and views as well.