Are computer generated voices acceptable?

Although my voice is ok, I've had the snuffles for far too long. I've starting creating my first course Learn C Games Programming and discovered that text-to-speech voices on Windows 10 are pretty good. They sound natural with only the odd place where you might realise it's not a human.

I have done voice recording before (using Camtasia for screencasts) and I feel that text-to-speech can increase the throughput. I'm happy to upload a sample of what I've done.

So I just wanted to sound people out on this.


  • Ah thank you. I had missed that. Just as well I asked!

  • Hi @DavidHBolton
    I know these things have improved but they are still text-to-speak and generally people can tell and although you think it's ok most people dislike it.

  • Hello,

    I totally agree with @CCECCentreo406
    did you heard of Speechelo?!

    They are super realistic and nice, why didn't allow instead of some terrible accents and pronunciation using those great natural technologies?

    Your rules are not logical when technology going further every day.

    Just try Speechelo, you cannot even recognize it is not a human!

    I am waiting for the Udemy team to resppond.


  • I disagree, just check Speechelo. I am sure even you cannot recognize it if you didn't know it is an AI voice!

  • Actually, I think I have a question//Solution.

    Is that Udemy support multi-voice/language for tutorial videos?

    If possible, we could put our original voice and multiple generated voice with different accents and languages.

  • What if I own up to it and this is the easiest way for me to produce videos and in the first video I introduce the voice as my cute robotic co-presenter for the rest of the course?

    Google Cloud TTS produces realistic voices as well as ( seems to be the best among all of them)

  • Bella
    Bella Posts: 3,694 traveler rank

    Hi @Hristo_Iliev
    , that's a great question! Unfortunately, I'm afraid this wouldn't be possible as using any type of speech software to narrate your courses is not allowed.

    Feel free to contact our Trust & Safety team at if you have any further questions - they will be happy to help.

    Bella Almeida

    Udemy Community

  • Hello,

    Is this still forbiden to use speech to text IA ? Voices from these IA (google, Amazon) are really nice and better than my own french accent !

    You could authorize them but we could mark that voices are atrificial in the presentation for people to be warned about this no ??

  • FrankKane
    FrankKane Posts: 1,905 Community Champion rank

    According to " it is still the case that "Text to speech software is not allowed; students want to hear directly from you as an instructor to build trust."

    While I agree AI-generated voices are getting better, changing that policy would also make it too easy for bad actors to quickly generate courses based on stolen content and stuff.

    Most Americans think French accents are kind of cool It could actually be to your advantage.

  • Udemy team should follow the technology. New generation is used to TTS, STT and all emerging technologies.

  • I totally agree with you. If the student is acknowledged about that and he/she accepts, there is no problem at all.

  • Olá. Sou nova por aqui.

    Mas, em princípio, o que vc precisa analisar são as regras de cada empresa.

    Cada uma tem suas políticas.

  • Now there is the time of AI and text to speech is part of that. We should switch to the computer generated voiceovers for easy understanding

  • Agreed

  • I have two experiences regarding this. Almost six months back when I use text to speech voices for my Udemy course promo videos, that time Udemy raised objection on it that auto generated voices are prohibited here.

    Whereas, last week I upload and publish a course of my client whom all video lectures were seemed from auto generated voiceovers. But I astonished that Udemy approve these video lectures and course was published successfully.

  • Do you allow usage of text-to-speech programs?

    Udemy now accepts courses with audio instruction created using quality text-to-speech programs. To be approved in the Quality Review Process, please ensure the audio quality is clear, easy to understand, and that your program can properly pronounce any acronyms and technical jargon used in your course. These courses must be accompanied by dynamic and clearly relevant visuals in accordance with the Video Standards.

  • KatsMats
    KatsMats Posts: 3 researcher rank

    Interesting topic. Thank you everyone for highlighting this.

  • Strongly agreed