Let's welcome our new members! [May 2024]

MarinaT Posts: 2,250 Udemy rank

Giveaway Winner Announcement (5).png

Hello ,

We're delighted to extend a warm welcome to our newest members who joined us in the Instructor Community in May.

Let's take a moment to welcome :

@Abdul862, @AbdullahAlSobail, @AbdulRehman977, @Adward986, @AgboKingsle919, @AkramNajjar181, @AkuomaKeren162, @AmandaWeave595, @AmeyHegde, @AmanFaheem117, @angela683h, @Aronhouston711, @AymanSyedel146, @ArtClark533, @BinteSarwar786, @BlessingChisom, @Bodannagari405, @BrandonHong660, @BrandonSher106, @BrandyN11, @BRLindPsyD, @ArchiCodes_Asim, @Ashokchakravarthy, @BehroozGive188, @CandidoJoaq181, @Cassiebratt, @christy2951hernandez, @D_Tolulope, @DavidFord695, @DarrenCrystals891, @DavidLury999, @DeAndrea345, @DennisLeon115, @DionneBass058, @DianaHill534, @Doofan512, @Dr_lab, @EdinsonAlda313, Efsane391daa@gmail.com, @EmailMarketingRoom, @EmilyG059, @EmpowerU.Academy, @Fovizma, @Franky1, @Gokhan, @HafeezKhan123, @HarishKumar785, @HendrryJord416, @huiling.yuan, @instructor_kumar, @Jasmine549, @IsamAlHassa535, @IyuhjKhjk297, @JeannetteMi758, @JhoneSmith373, @KamelABBASS431, @KCGlobEd821, @KurtBowden684, @LeandroVale129, @LilianeEria600, @LisaBrian669, @Lorena210, @Luke788fg075, @MariglenMyz755, @MarkK11, @MdRaghibChi450, @Mimicollins, @Mongia.TN, @NehaMalikG, @NadreMarry065, @NancyEkpezu446, @Nelsonmari475, @NikkiOdumos802, @NicholetHau178, @OdooGuru747, @OnikoyiAbdu527, @PatrickFrit621, @RachelMores12, @RahulSingh2024, @RahulRajatSingh, @RaymondBrow636, @robert2001b, @robert2003b, @Sachinrouth881, @sciencenut, @Shadowfox028, @ShehanMadur168, @snowch, @sonia0992alvarez, @SusanMuchir197, @SwastikaGos066, @SwastikaGos782, @T.Austin, @Taxfinbookguru2023, @TeddyKeatin017

Whether you're just getting started or you've been teaching online for years, this is a place where you can connect with others, share your experiences, and learn from each other. If you're new to the community, here are a few things you can do to get started:

  • Introduce yourself: Write a post and tell us a little bit about yourself, your background, and your teaching experience.
  • Do you have questions for the other instructors or the Udemy team? Don't hesitate, and create a post!
  • Check out our monthly themes: Every month, we share a calendar of discussions and resources around a specific theme to help you grow as an online instructor. This month it's Learning design. You can find it here!
  • Join our coffee chats: Every month, we host a virtual coffee chat where you can connect with other members and discuss a variety of topics related to online teaching.
    Click here to sign up for our next one.

We're thrilled to have you join us, and we're excited to connect with you and support you on your journey on Udemy.


Udemy Community Team


  • Franky1
    Franky1 Posts: 2 observer rank

    Thank You Marina

  • Hello everyone,

    Thank you, Marina, for the warm welcome.

    We are Email Marketing Room.

    After 14 years of experience in marketing, media monitoring, and information flow management, we realized we should focus on a niche area of marketing and continue our professional journey there.

    Our founders' path has been interesting and has led them to create Email Marketing Room.

    As a result, we decided to dedicate all our experience to email marketing. We combine business and educational projects, study industry best practices, and follow all the latest trends.

    We're happy to be on Udemy, and we'll be releasing many more tutorials. We're also open to collaboration opportunities. Visit our website at (Website removed by moderator)

  • MarinaT
    MarinaT Posts: 2,250 Udemy rank

    Hi @Franky1

    You are very welcome!

    Please let us know if you have any questions about teaching on Udemy .

  • MarinaT
    MarinaT Posts: 2,250 Udemy rank

    Hi @EmailMarketingRoom

    Thank you so much for telling us a bit about yourself. We are glad you've decided to teach your subject on Udemy.

    If you come across any challenges while creating your course or if you have any other questions, please feel free to start a conversation here in the community!

    See you around!

  • Thanks so much, @MarinaT
    , for your care and attention.

    We're excited to be on Udemy, a leading online learning platform, and we have long-term goals here.

    We'll definitely stay in touch!

  • I am excited to be on Udemy, a leading online learning platform

  • MarinaT
    MarinaT Posts: 2,250 Udemy rank

    Hi @AymanSyedel146


    Please let us know if you have any specific questions about teaching on Udemy.

  • Best of luck for all, let us make learning fun and enjoyment

  • MarinaT
    MarinaT Posts: 2,250 Udemy rank

    Hi @IsamAlHassa535


    Please let us know if you have any questions .

  • Hi, I'm very happy to be part of Udemy team, thank you. i have submit my first course for review, but i was not lucky in choosing my course image, and for the second time also i was not lucky, is there is any limited number of submissions for my course for review. thanking your efforts