Sunday relax? or plan for the week ahead?

How do you use your time?
Sunday is one of those relaxing reflective days. Some people get a bit fed up on a Sunday as it is the end of the weekend of freedom from work.
I have recently taken on a new piece of work and this means I must review how I organise myself and my time. It will mean dropping some things to focus on this new marketing opportunity.
How often do you review how you are using your time every day?
I usually do the same on either Sunday or Monday morning first thing. Starting the week with a plan is a great way to be productive!
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Hi @GregReverdiau
I definitely feel more raring to go if I spend a little time on a Sunday just focussing on the week ahead. I hope you have a great week.1 -
Three comments:
1) I've been retired since I was 48. This means that for the last 12 years weekends have had no meaning. I rarely know what day it is and work 7 days a week because that's what I like to do.
2) I posted this short-lived discussion on Lakein time management versus Covey time management and how I merge the two:
Basically, Lakein (the father of time management) pushed always doing the most important thing you can be doing every moment of the day. So, he prompted me to constantly ask myself:
"What's the most important thing I could be doing right now."
Every moment of the day.
Then I read Stephen Covey's "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" in which he pointed out that if you are always doing the most urgent and importnat thing you're in fire-fighting mode and will soon burn out. It turns out the the most important things to do are those that are important but not urgent because they often improve our working lives in general (e.g. clean your desk) rather than addressing the next fire-fight.
Sorry for the long introduction, but I try to balance doing things that are urgent and important with things that are not urgent but still important.
3) I also posted at some point on how much I love Trello, an easy to use, collaboratie online todo list and task management system. Check it out at
Most of all, keep on having fun!
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I always spend 20-30 minutes on a Sunday evening planning for the week ahead so that I'm ready and raring to go come Monday morning.
However, I don't really consider weekends to be any different to week days. I am generally working (not that I call it work as I love what I do) in some form 7 days a week, whether that be recording, editing, writing, creating or answering messages. Sunday just happens to be the day that I choose to plan for the following 7 days.