A Course Is Never 'Finished"

Is there such a thing as complete? Courses always need attention. I will often publish and add resources to help round out the information in the videos. I pay close attention to the questions asked and any comments that arise from reviews. These are my clues for 'extras' resources or updating.

Courses need tending - it is important that we keep them looking fresh and alive and are looking at ways we can improve them.

If you look at your courses you will see that some lay neglected and the sales reflect that, others you enjoy more, love and play around with - and they prosper.

Rarely is the day we publish the end point!


  • MikeXCohen
    MikeXCohen Posts: 449 visionary rank

    I agree! Three of my courses I've completely remade (better A/V, better slides, etc), and the others I try to improve at least a little bit every few months.

    It's an interesting change from books. I've written a few textbooks, and once they're printed, they're basically set in stone. My courses feel more like "living" resources, which is one reason why I've been focusing more on making/upgrading courses rather than writing my next book.

  • Yes @SharonRamel
    There is no completely finished where Udemy courses are concerned.Actually once you realise this it is great ....because you can get the first version live much quicker. This is fantastic news for all those ( myself included) procrastinators / perfectionists out there who can relax with the idea that "Done is better than perfect". All my courses are done not perfect and are a work in progress.

    Quite simply

    I am a work in progress

    My life is a work in progress

    My courses are a work in progress

    Thanks for the reminder Sharon

  • @MikeXCohen
    I love that distinction between courses and books

  • SharonRamel
    SharonRamel Posts: 1,312 rolemodel rank

    Yes @DeniseFletcher
    , it keeps us humble and honest!

  • FrankKane
    FrankKane Posts: 1,905 rolemodel rank

    This is especially true in tech topics. One topic I teach recently had a major release that has required me to re-record the entire course from the ground up, and I'm probably going to spend the rest of this year just updating the courses I already have.

    The bright side is that being a Udemy tech instructor really forces you to stay up to date on current technology, and to learn it yourself well enough to teach it confidently. I'm a much better technologist as a teacher than I was as an industry practitioner, oddly enough. As a teacher, our knowledge must be broad, deep, and current all the time.