Standing vs. sitting - preference?

Although I have done a number of videos on another platform, I'm developing my first Udemy course and wonder if it's better to be standing or sitting during the lesson. All the work I currently do as an editor is seated, and I can't imagine that my students will ever work while standing. It seems fitting that I should sit in the Udemy videos but wanted to get other opinions. Thanks in advance!
If this is your natural environment, then go with sitting. Most people have a hard time just standing without looking awkward or moving from side-to-side, etc. Personally, I prefer to stand because that's the way I teach in person and I tend to slouch if I sit but that's just me. Whatever will make you more comfortable and natural on camera.
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Thanks, Greg. Going with what feels most natural makes sense. :-)
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- Talking head can be either.
- Talking body should be standing.
- Screencasts and PowerPoint presentations -- definitely sitting ;-).
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I only appear on camera in promos or section introductions, so, the videos in which I appear are always talking heads, and I always do them standing, because I feel and look more energetic that way.
If I were to appear in an actual teaching lesson, it would definitely be sitting.
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I would say a mixture of sitting and standing but again you don't really need many videos with yourself in them. One thing to bear in mind is your students could be viewing your course in many positionsI won't list them all but you could have a student watching your course whilst on the tube/ train going to work they could be standing or sitting if they manage to get a seat. They may be watching your course in the local park on a lunch break or even relaxing in bed. That's the whole point of online courses is that it's martini learning -anytime anywhere anyplace
The most important factor is to be you.
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Let me ask you this. If you are listening to a great public speaker, are they sitting or standing? Did you have a professor in college who delivered her lectures while sitting?
I know that delivering an online course is not exactly the same thing. But, standing projects energy, standing generates energy within yourself. Sitting is more relaxed, but relaxed also equals less energy. I disagree with the idea of "do what is natural for you." What is natural for some people is to have terrible speaking habits and poor delivery. No... we have to work at being better than what is "natural." Good public speaking and delivery habits are only natural when they have been well trained, practiced and reinforced.
I recommend Alex Fischer's course on Confidence on Camera.
Of course, it also matters what your subject is.