I am about to publish my first course. What do you think I have to know?
With some basic knowledge I pick at Studio U on Facebook, I have prepared a course I'm currently uploading to this platform. What suggestion do you have for me on how to perform well here.
Best regards.
Your question could result in a book to answer well. The first thing is to choose a topic where there is good demand and then produce a course that is better than the competition. That is easier said than done, of course.
Second, don't rely solely on Udemy for marketing. You need to promote your own course. I wrote a long comment summarizing things you can do to market your course: https://community.udemy.com/t5/First-time-Course-Creation/Plan-Your-Course-Marketing-Before-You-Publish-Here-are-Proven/m-p/8558?collapse_discussion=true&filter=location&location=category:Community&q=Lawrence%20M%20Miller&search_type=thread
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Thanks a lot for the advice and the link included.