
Who provides the certificate course...the creator or udemy


  • If you are referring to the completion certificate, it is automatically generated by Udemy when the student completes 100% of the course.

  • Is there any dialog (video/voice interview) assignment option?

  • LawrenceMMiller
    LawrenceMMiller Posts: 2,322 rolemodel rank

    You can create that yourself. I have Green Belt certificates for three of my courses, but I have assignments to demonstrate the skills I am teaching. In one course I have thirteen assignments, with a Word document to be completed for each. The student has to send me a portfolio of their completed assignments to earn the certificates. These demonstrate, for example, the completion of a problem solving process.

  • I didn't recieve yet sir

  • So cool, thank you both for the question and for this answer! I just wanted to ask the same one and searched for the info. Good, thank you again!

  • So basically issuing the certification takes place out of Udemy platform, via emails or so, right?

  • Aelwa
    Aelwa Posts: 4 researcher rank

    If this course is paid, Udemy creates the certificate

  • But you should provide a better certificate please.