How to split video content into three parts

Hi,Hope we're cool. Please can anyone help me on how to split my video content into three parts with my Android phone


  • Abbie
    Abbie Posts: 3,191 traveler rank

    Hi @OlanrewajuK415
    , I'm not an Android user myself but, before anyone else jumps in, I found this article that might help you our with this:

    Let me know if it works! :)

  • CarlosDeLeon
    CarlosDeLeon Posts: 892 visionary rank


    In your other thread, you said you were using your iPhone.

    I have a question for you: Are you really going to try to create a complete course just with your cell phone?

    If you have a good device, you can definitely use your phone's camera to record some lessons. Many people do that, but if you want to create a high-quality course in a reasonable period of time, you will need a computer. Do you have one?

  • Yes

  • CarlosDeLeon
    CarlosDeLeon Posts: 892 visionary rank

    I asked you two questions ;) , so I'm not sure which one you answered.

    If you have a computer, then you will most likely produce your videos there, so, why not split your video there instead of on your cell phone?